Just a Focus

Did F2 actually say the tranny would hold up?

I would never expect an automatic transmission, built by ford for a car that would see no more than 130bhp handling 200+whp very well for any period of time…I wouldn’t blame F2 for THAT at least.

They sound like garbage either way, but that aspect of it really isn’t their fault, is it?

Yea a stock trans wouldnt hold up hence why they built it you goon

I belive they said the stock tranny could hold up to the kit… which it did not

I’m saying, how can they blame the manufacturer of the kit for the tranny failure? It’s a damn automatic focus tranny :rofl

Ummm because when a manufacture claims their kit to with stand a certain amount of power and it does not

Well then the manufacturer is just retarded. They have no way of knowing what the tranny’s been through up to that point.

Because after all the bullshit with the kit and things not being right, and then on top of that saying the auto tranny can hold the power from the kit… because well as a company they should know their product and what it will/will not effect on the car

Its not directly their fault, they dident break the transmission… but due to their incorrect information it casued way more headache than it should have

Thats why its a rebuild kit. The tranny is suppose to be “new” after said kit is installed

Sorry I should have clarified, lol. The transmission has to be programmed properly to handle the extra power. The stock trans should be able to handle up to 9 PSI of boost without too much slippage. Unfortunately because F2 neglected to check into the programming properly the line pressures were probably too low. As well as the fact they sent the wrong turbo with the kit to begin with. Thus overboosting in combination with poor programming totally disintegrating the transmission drive clutches. F2 did so many things wrong I can’t even explain them by typing, lol!

im not tryin to start shit but come on as all of us know there is only a handfull of ford trannys that can hold anything …that bein said the focus is not one of them reguardless of the kit ya install it will still fail as its to tight of a tolerance tranny .i/e gets to hot way to quick therefore burnin up the fluid and wastin tranny .not doubting gearheads intentions but come on man i wouldnt waste any more time or money into the auto do a svt 6sp it will hold up better and longer than the auto will

Just a reminder this isn’t my car and it wasn’t my call. But regardless, that garbage kit and tuning caused the burnup in less than 10 minutes. Now I don’t know much about these transmissions but with less than 3 full throttle runs in 2nd gear, keep that in mind, it seems a little premature. The clutches that were burnt out were the ones on the final drive… which was never reached under any sort of full throttle or half throttle load. Sounds a little fishy to me. Also the programming for the computer is in Chinese and in English and requires a lot of effort to unlock and decode properly. That was definitely not done properly because when we asked F2 to supply more line pressure we received a stupid answer. When FocusSport waqs asked we received a very intelligent answer about how it can’t be raised much, but they can raise it. Also they noted that when we finally dyno the vehicle we will have to lockout the torque converter lockup to prevent it from going into overdrive. There is so much more information that can be said about this topic, but just trust me on this one guys. I could write a book now! Also, I’m sure you wouldn’t appreciate weekly traffic jams in Boston, New Jersey, NYC, and around town with a 5 or 6 speed, a crazy dog, a wife and a little girl. This is a daily driver project and ease of use is key. Please be knowledgable or just assume the proper work has been done.

i never was tryin to insult ya or your methods as i know it wasnt your call,but think about it for a sec how much money ,time,effort has been put into it and no return ? when ya can change a few things and be driving it instead of it bein a anchor .i would be carefull of raisin line pressure as that can affect clutch apply pressure to much and it can float the clutches and hurt just as much as a low pressure situation i hope for your sake ya can find someone knowledgable about them and get one built

No worries, we’ll get this at some point… It Seems good so far. the guys a Focus Sport know the ins and outs of the Auto-tragic fail and Hopefully won’t trash this one. At least I have faith in this company.

saw the car last night, looked great! didn’t get a chance to introduce myself, maybe some other time :lol

Cool, yeah I was beat last night and just wanted to get home. Not to mention it was freezing and everyone was going racing so it was quiet, lol. Glad you liked it, you’ll have to stop by sometime to get a look at it if I don’t bring it by Wednesday.

This chapter is finally nearing completion. Just waiting on some final tuning adjustments from Randy @ FocusSport and we’re rolling out. We did a 3rd gear pull today to 115 and everything felt great! That little car moves out!

indeed it does. actually pretty impressed for what it is…

so you put that rebuild kit in there already?

sounds good j. hope everything works out well for vince. i bet you cant wait to be done with this though!

It’s done!!! whoo hoo. Drives great pulls like hell. I’ll let J give you all the particulars.