Just got nabbed for street racing

haha was it a yellow one?

nah it was red
he was a tool none the less he kept on givin it shit beside me
this is how the convo went dowwn
he rolled down his pass window i rollde down my drivers
Him"Bro who built your car?"
me “Bro your car is weak”
him “bro who built your car”
me " i did"
him " You own a shop or work at a shop"
me “yea my garage at my house”
him " i just opend a shop and need business"
me “rolled up the window” and turned a quick right.

what color was it

lol, I’m not surprised…

in my area we got some of these guys, in their so called, Tuned cobalts…

there’s a red one, with a AEM license cover, then there’s a couple yellow ones,
seems like a majority of these kids like to act retarded on the street.

we should create a cobalt shit on thread in drama just so we can hate on the fags that drive em
by the way
the guy that i had the konvo with had aem plate covers. was a straight tool and was sayin something abot how his intake makes the charger sound cool

this is still on?

timzi your a fucking idiot.



konvo…I’m pretty sure I know who that driver was. BAHAHAH so funny. I used to work with him. Sounds like him to a “t”.

What a tool.

guess it’s the same guy I see around Maple sometimes,
haha, good guess about the AEM cover plate…must be him. :stuck_out_tongue:

240 > Cobalt SS

im almost sure its the same guy, from all areas. he is almost one of thoes guys that would drive 2 hours to get to woodbridge to watch and enter awesome races with his cobal/honda
cant belive he has also been spotted in maple tho. awesome!@

You got caught street racing!!! WOW! …So what does that tell you?


When I street race I go so fast my car is like a red streak, my car is so fast you can’t even make out what kind of car it is, you don’t even get the chance to read the plates!

It’s so fast I keep having to repaint it every few weeks because the paint peels off after so many races!

When I hit the NOS I go so fast, my car creates a sonic boom!

Then my “Danger to Manifold” light comes on and the floor board falls out!

Yeah DOD I’m fast and furious!

…On a more serious note, it’s guys like you that make the rest of us suffer from harassment from cops and high insurance rates. That is all.

i Races On Da Streetz!!!

on Da Streetz Yo! Da Streetz

k so flame war started after someone just tried to tell us bout his situation and give us a heads up… if you guys dont drive fast, or “street race”, go buy a ford pinto or a bentley, dont -itch… you buy a 2dr sports car for a reason, or your just a poser, just trying to convey some sort of image to the people around you… you wouldnt buy a hummer and race? so why buy a 240 and drive slow …as for the whole street racing law thing, i think its just a phase to scare people out of street racing… everything is propaganda and politics these days… just gotta wait it out, but pigs love busting the younger people…

hope everythings works out in the end

your a tool.

just cause we dont drive 50k over the limmit or street race or drift dosent mean we dont track our cars. there is such this as a road where its legal to race and drift and such. its called a track. thats where dumb shit belongs…

lol… so what are you getting personal for, this isn’t gr 3…i guess it all comes down to personal preference… not everyone has time or the money involved with putting a car on the track… dunno bout the rest of you, but daddy don’t pay for my stuff… all i have to say is, no point drivin a lambo, if your drivin it like grandma…

It’s cheaper to go track racing then it is to pay one 40 over ticket and the ins. hike that goes with it…

Beyond that, your attempt at social logic and reasoning is insipid and painful to read.

and how often do you get the chance to go track racing…?? of course it all seperates who has the balls(or stupidity) to go “stunt drive” or street race… how is my logic painful… would it make sense to get a sporty car and drive like a grandmother???

Who said anything about having to drive like a grandmother? Is driving the speed limit or 10 above the speed limit driving like a grandma regardless of what car you are in?

It seems like there’s only 2 ways you can drive on the street in your view. 1) Drive like a grandma. 2) Drive like an idiot and speed everywhere.

Stop being an idiot. Are you 17? 18?

I’ve changed my mind … your a twat.

A lambo is way different than a 240. To be honest, most people I see driving 240’s on the streets are old ladies. Anyone see the episode of Penn & Tellers bullsh*t where the lady has a daughter that’s blind and deaf? Her mom drove her around in a S13 coupe. Driving under the speed limit for no reason is driving old. Driving responsibly is smart. No speeding tickets usually means you can save your money to bring your car to the track. What’s better, driving a stock one that you can’t offord to upgrade because of high insurance and tickets, or a modded one that you drive responsibly and can take to the track and drive way faster and harder than you can on any street? That’s where your logic is flawed.

I think there’s a couple of different issues people are confusing here.
For one, how do you define street racing? Let’s put aside the gov’s stupid definition of it. What IS street racing anyway?
Is it ripping it through traffic b/c you’re in a hurry, or just plain feel like ripping it? Because I know almost everyone on SON does this.
Is it lining up with another car at a light and racing them to the next, or 3rd gear, or whatever. This I no longer do, but I did it a LOT when I was younger.
Is it dropping a gear for maybe 5 seconds to put some twat in their place? Because I guarantee you’ve ALL done this and still do it.
Is it going to some secret organized street racing spot to race with others for money/pride/whatever the fuck? This is the only kind I’ve never done, and will never do.

So, tell me, which is it? What IS street racing?