Just got nabbed for street racing



And look at the name, Jesus, it’s AAhmed’s doppleganger…

WoW owns poon… I miss those days and 1337 sp3ak. Sold my computer for the car =P!


You guys are awesome lmao that critical hit comment was frikkin hilarious. I do realize how that post looks…HUGE! Sorry about the long post, I was just trying to vent a bit, I miss the supercharged Olds LSS, and don’t want to pay 400 a month for insurance if I get a 240, fair enough?

Paragraphs are the solution.

That and summarizing.

Oh yeah!! paragraphs…I forgot of their existence…no I’m not even joking lol yeah and summarizing…I’m bad at it. Once again sorry guys, I’ll use paragraphs next time, thanks for the positive criticism and the hilarious comment without flaming, I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Looks like this topic is all closed up.