Interior is looking clean
spotless, i just gotta whipe down the door sills and dash, vaccuum out the carpet with a shopvac (home vacuums dont work so well) then put the front seats in…those rears look a hell of a lot better than the moldy soaked diaper they were before
did you get the tranny all the way out?
If so props… they aint light by any means…
i still cant get this fucker off, idk if its hitting the firewall or something but i can get the trans out enough to see the shaft and the flywheel and whatever that other thing is in there but it wont fucking drop out!
your a bitch. not me.
did you get the tranny out ?
(posting from an ipod touch FTW)
lol that answers my question…
oh ill get it believe you me
believe you me?
english plz kthxbye
stfu. i have said that sence the day i met you stupid ass
believe you me justin, ill be over tommrow…maybe, pending snow drifting
how are you going to do that mr. drug-ee bubblehands :gtfo :squint
:rofl. meds wore off
im getting mcfluryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. possibly. or not going
You seriously have to pry/muscle it out… rememeber your moving a 300lb hunk of shit and if its leaning or putting stress on anything its connected to it makes it that much harder to take out…
and its a flexplate and torque converter
flux capacitor stooopid
thanks for the invite whore
haha thanks…ill prob get my 4’ steel bar in there and make that fucker come off…prob would have been easier to just buy a hoist and take the whole engine out :shifty oh well
stfu no it would not have been easier to take your enigne out
and your 20 minutes away thats y you dont get an invite. just like heather
wait i get an invite and im not notified???
thats y i told you to get on aim
you alky
wtf im not an alky!!! i just drink on occasion…
any other suggestions? should i order a poly transmission mount sence its out and easy to get to?