So did the regulator and the vacuum pipe connected to it. I’ll tap this hole to accept a 1/4 NPT to -3 AN barb nipple to use for a vacuum block.
This is how I plugged the EGR temp sensor hole lol
I’ll use a plastic/rubber spacer for this pipe bracket here once the 3/16" block off plate is made. I simply bent the no longer needed vacuum lines out of the way (I honestly didn’t want to remove the whole intake just for this)
2 vacuum sources I can use up front:
I’ll be taking the IA valve to my father’s POE to have the block-off plate made:
Hey Onyx, thanks. We’ll see how long I can keep it that clean. With the IACV out of the way, I guess I can fit a scrubbing bubbles can under there lolol
Well fuck…man, where were you weeks ago when I was buying the damned thing??? I’ll try to get rid of it, probably going to lose some $ on this. I guess their Stage 3 counterpart should hold up? Which one are you on now?
Thanks everyone for the kinds words, its good motivation to keep going! I’ve been doing little things here and there…I’m getting ready for a HUUUGE update soon. In the meantime, I did this:
Thanks to my awesome pops, I had these fabbed up through his friend at work.
I had 5 made - 1 to keep and the other 4…if you have a 240SX, for the right price, can be yours
For those who’ve been following my build, I apologize for the lack of updates as there wasn’t anything significant to post. I finalized my list of all the pluming parts needed on the engine and I got everything boxed away, ready to move. Yep, I’m moving again, this time to a permanent place My wife and I are officially home owners! (no kids yet lol) Once I know how much $ is left over each month, I will start buying parts again, but for now I have to wait…again.
I used to live in Sloan. I’m currently in Lockport until the end of this week. I bought the house in Cheektowaga Thanks for compliment on the S14.5! I might convert the S14 eventually but for now, she’s gonna be a sleeper
Hah yup. The old KA is sitting on a dolly, intake mani is on a shelf because I stole some vacuum lines from it. I pulled it with 214k on it, ran strong and didnt burn any oil.
Chugging along. Look what arrived today! Xcessive oil pan adapter to accept a SR20DET sump for those high G corners Pretty soon the engine is going in!
Bam! Fuel delivery is complete! Also got some better turbo drain fittings and a AEM boost controller
All that’s left to buy is some gauges, wideband, IAT & 3 BAR map sensor, intercooler kit, J30 diff, custom driveshaft and the exhaust (Im sure there will be other parts I forgot to mention) Then the next expensive ticket will be dyno day.