LACROSSE. wanna play?

So this is def cancelled. I do still have at least two more that will play I think. Well one for sure, maybe two. I will let you know later today.

mike, i know you are pissed. so am i. and so is the guy who is trying to help me get this started.

i have put up flyers, but then some people told me the website that the flyer links you to was down. so really anyone who was interested tried to search and got nothing.

a few people have said they would get me the money and havent.

also there are people that said they would play but equipment was a problem…which i dont think should be a detterent.

this is what happens with these things though. i cant make people do stuff. and this is what the guy at sahlens warned me about. he called it that there would be tons of people who say “oh yeah i am there”…and then dont show. i dont blame them though…not like lacrosse is a priority on peoples list of things that need to get done.

NEXT WEEK IS CANCELLED. even if i wanted to arrange it there is no way to organize anything worth 10 bucks.


i will update this when i know the next tentative date

I have put up some flyers as well. I will just send you the money of my buddies and hopefully in the next week or so we will have enough to run. I have a ton of extra equipment I found when I was getting my stuff together so if anyone needs anything let me know. Spencer, you might be able to play after all.

My doc cleared me to do whatever I want now, but by the time we get enough people to play it will be spring and we can just meet up somewhere and play for free. That will be nice.

That sounds good to me, ya I could prob work something out at St. Francis or the Nike base in Hamburg. May be a little to southtowns but let me know.

new date is april 3rd. monday. start time is 8. if you would like a pdf file to print out and spread the love let me know.

you must pay in full one week before the start date. 40.00 is due.

we are now at 12 interested people. 4 people have paid. also there have been people coming to sahlens asking about a lacrosse league. henrick says it is 10 but i have no idea if thats accurate. he has their numbers etc so he is setting them up with my contact info etc. this means we should have enough people.

if you know someone who hasnt paid but showed interest here, kick them in the balls and take their money.

Oh boy here we go again, well you have my money, hopefully we can get this going and just carry it outside when the weather gets nice. I’ll be there and I will try and recruit some more.

bump. money has to be in to me within 3 weeks

c’mon people. it is gonna be a good chunk of time before we are able to play outside. at least a month so get your money to me and lets play lacrosse. its cheap, there cant be any excuse to not do this


got some big news this week. i cant post details yet, but we will be having a sponsor for the league. this could mean alot of really good things for all of us, and a much more organized format.

i wont say who is the potential sponsor, but regardless of sonsorship i have to be a DICK to keep getting your asses in gear. now even if you think i am a DICK, who cares sign up. and if you are worried about getting hurt, go find your DICK and send me your money. if you need equipment you might want to consider going to the galeria mall, there is a store there that could sell you anything you need.

HHHMMMMMMMM…i wonder who it could be???

:wink: it is even more than just him being a DICK this really big soccor company is friends with the sponsor and well… I am sending out a shit ton of e-mails to the bandits, local HS coaches and etc… so do like joe said and go sign up <-all you need to know is there!

alright guys, we are officially playing next week (april 3). whether we have 7 people or 20. there are more than enough registered, but we are still missing payments from alot of people. if you want, just bring 10 bucks to this one…maybe 40 is too much to part with all at once. PM me if you need info on how to get the money to me.

bump. if you see this thread, want to play, and can pay, PM me so i know what to expect and can plan accordingly


i am signed up and payed and ready to play. So if my ghey buddies want to just show up that night and pay and play they can?

yup, and as i recall you have yet to pay as well. i have not recieved the check from you that you said you would send. so if you want to pay that night too, that works.

we will def be playing people so make arrangments

No way I already payed, I sent you my check so you should have it.
PM me and I can give you my name.

tonight is the night. show up with your 10 bucks if you havent paid your 40 already.

also look for the article in the bee group newspapers talking about us starting the dicks sporting goods lacrosse league here in buffalo.

all info you need about tonight is at

hopfully i will see everyone out tonight

same deal tommorow. i had a ton of fun at the last one, and this week will only be better. there should be a few more people…still not enough for a full game with subs…that should be next week according to the emails i am getting.

hope to see you there