License to carry

ya but is it a hobby to carry all the time?? its a hobby of mine to go shooting, but to say its a hobby to carry a gun?? :wtf:

It would take something serious to happen for you to realize that maybe you’d like to carry.

Like if someone was being robbed, or someone or many people were in your house when you got home. Some people (myself) would rather be ready to protect myself/others than be stuck wishing there was something we could of done.

I hope I NEVER have to use/pull my gun, but Im damn glad I have it.

I have carried for 21 years now. If I don’t have a gun on myself, it is always close by. Have NEVER had one instance where I’ve had to even show that I was carrying. I will continue to carry for that one instant in my life when I may need it.

Carrying a pistol is the same as carrying a condom…ALWAYS BE PREPARED…

I have been carrying for 18 years and I never had to draw it one time.

ok thats all i wanted to know

yeah… i mean just think of the recent bullshit when people ‘take over’ groups of people with guns… bank robberies, schools, ect… that amish school… instead of some piece of shit raping and killing 5 girls, he could of been shot in the fuckign head and they would get a 1/2 day to clean up his brain from the chaulk board and then back to normal the next day.

guns don’t create violence, violent people create violence… restricting guns from the public isn’t going to solve gun related injuries or deaths.

I don’t plan on carrying mine on me, but I will be keeping it in my car because of some of the places that I have to drive through for work.

fixed for ur old ass

not being a dick, but u really think somebody is going to come after you in ur car? u will be in a car, get the fucking gas pedal and go…

Also, just cause you carry a gun it does’nt give you the right to pull your gun out anytime you want, carrying a gun is a big responsability and if you abuse it you will pay a big price.

LOL…Figured Pewter would be the first one to abuse me.

I always try to avoid trouble wether it’s when I’m walking or in my car or whatever, but theres always the chance of not being able to avoid it, that is when you will be glad you have a way to protect yourself.

I am not able to carry a gun into most of the places that I deal with, i.e. Bettis Plant, US Steel plants, ect. I would rather have it in the car than not at all. Just for instance, last month I had this mother fucker walk up to my car at the red light I was at and fuckin spit on my car. Some thugged out asshole sees a guy in a suit in a nice clean car and he has got to be a piece of trash.

My point is that I don’t put anything past some of these mother fuckers out there. If I guy is going to disrespect like that then I wouldn’t put it past him to take things further.

The name of the game is being ready for something, and hoping that nothing every happens. Some people get it, and some people don’t.

i was working:kekegay:

take care of that motherfucker fowrd twpship style… bust a few :reloading and then :burnout: :burnout: :burnout:

people are pieces of shit… #1 reason to be armed and ready.

Yeah, that was a good one…and he don’t even know me.


he was here that day u was