LSx-based shops/vendors

Ive heard nothing but good things about J&J, IIRC… someone told me the dudes ridiculously anal when it comes to building engines. That gets a huge :tup: from me.

oh and


it starts again :rofl:

#1 if all they do is engine/machine work- no. If they are replacing parts on a car YES. Do you realize how easy it is to register and do things “right”. Its like $150.00 for 2 years. and the requirements are you carry insurance and that you give receipts- Is that alot to ask??? I dont think so. And you cant tell me those shops are only doing “racecar”(off road only) and machine work. I see the other end daily- customers that got fucked becuse the shop owner said he would do this or that and when push come to shove they dont. Trust me from experience

#2 I doubt that. There are a few unregistered’s that i would have liked to do some rear end work on my car as i havent installed an lsd in 15 years, But i didnt take it to them i had Putnam @ comp trans do it as he is a legit shop.

And dont get all fucking high and mighty about chain shops- I know more College degree’d/ASE master tech’s/ know thier shit guys that work at those places./ Yes they have some duds as all repair shops do

I know a couple College degree’d / ASE cert techs that i wouldn’t let touch my huffy. One has been trying to put a set of cams on his mustang for almost 2 years and has destroyed one engine in the process :lol:

Certs and degrees don’t mean dick if you suck

Wow this went OT…

Can we please go back on topic with why you don’t go to PM performance with a LSx or any car you care about?

QFT. I don’t have my degree yet and that doesn’t really mean anything. :tup:


Woah, wtf happened to my thread?

Ya gotta take the good with the bad.

What specific parts are you looking for?

That might help in achieving your goal.

I only posted my postive experience, but I see others posting negitves. And not alot of 1st hand stuff. A few years ago, I meet Jay form jnj, seamed nice. That winter he took over NYfbody and starting noticeing my post being changed? And found out later he had been reading people Pms, and delating and and editing mine! I would never have somone that sketchy touch my car.

here we go :picard:

WOW, well i know where im going and thats J&J.

My cam and whatever part that i need, rearend, i seen his quality of work. :tup: to J&J


Lol @ Ls1 topic ownage.

Street. Like I said you want to run them, they are down 100%. Kind of a rough crowd though. They won’t be on nyspeed looking to meet up at mighty anytime soon, or shoot some “headlights” video on the 990.

Ugh this thread turned to shit real fast.

But yeah OP what are you looking for specifically?

Neat PM performance found a nitch market with the homies from downtown…more unfinished cars…more hype with out results…

Hope they remember to check the oil pressure while revving them up the first time:)

Once again you are all talk. You have no idea what you are talking about. As for results, you won’t see any track times for these cars.
You think you are such a fucking know-it-all, lol. Stick to the internet, and bumping everyones car “for sale” threads with your hopes and dreams of “I’m actually entertaining the idea of buying this one, blah blah blah”.

Nothing and everything. I have a LS1 that I’m going to put into my 240 (in the build section) and am just looking for the easiest way of making 400ftlbs. That’s my goal before it goes in the chassis.

I think at this point I’ve read enough to know I can liklely do that cam-only…so am just doing some cam research.

What you guys running for cams?