LVD Tech w/ sealed battery in trunk

18 ga.?:crackup


In other words. Put the battery in a metal battery box, that meets the thickness and fastening requirements. Then on the + cable run it to a cut off switch and put it next to the lic plate on the rear hatch or something that looks ok if thats what you are worried about.

Yea… not worth it on a car that will see the track once in a while just for fun. Its not a track car so it isn’t worth the hassle. I’ll come up with something different.

yep. not worth the whole in the trunk lid. I hear ya

the whole what?


sorry grammerfizzle

Sentences start with a capital letter.

How much room are you going to end up saving? Just wondering if it’s even worth getting a smaller battery.

I have an open battery in my trunk from factory. Theyve never even asked about it. Just say it came factory.

The problem with that he might run into is that an STI isn’t a rare car going to the track. They have seen plenty of them and probably would realize it is isn’t a stock location. Not saying it couldn’t work, just most likely they wouldn’t fall for it!

“Tech” What is this “tech” you guys speak of?!

Ask JDaniels about Napierville tech, lol

I believe that any relocated battery needs to have a cut off switch. Batteries in the passenger cabin need to be in a sealed box and vented to the outside. If the battery is in the trunk then it doesn’t need the box because its already sealed off from the passenger cabin

In my crx i have a sealed box with a vent, they always bust my balls for not having a cut off switch but end up letting me run anyways

wonder what people would say about how rx7 guys relocate their batteries; as its the same theory as this.

My 200’s battery is factory located under the rear seat cushion. Last time I was at LVD, they didn’t even have me pop the hood, LOL! They probably had no idea it’d be running close to 11’s.

How did you miss the giant picture of the rule book??? LOL

Battery CAN NOT be in the cabin, at all.

Your foam back seat is NOT a firewall. Behind those seats its not a continuous, uninterrupted sheet of steel/aluminum, aka a firewall. So it needs to be in a box. Also its not just a “drop it in a box and go” deal. The battery box has to be bolted down. and the battery in it has to be bolted to the box.

Lastly this “sealed” battery stuff has nothing to do with any of this. Sealed, serviceable, gell cell, or a massive pack of RC car batteries could be used… none of that has anything to do with the rules.

Chill out dude lol, i wasnt logged in and didnt see your pics of the rule book. In my car i have it bolted to the frame with 3/8 bolts in a sealed box so im good, i havent looked at the rule book in a while (that is y i said “i believe”). I know foam seats do not act as a firewall. I was just giving my experience with a battery box without a cutoff, as i said before they have always let me run…


Please note the LOL. I was kidding, this is Shift not church on a sunday. :tongue

There is just a bit too much miss-information people tend to spread around car fourms these days, thats all.


I got a spare tail light, drilled a hole and ran a removable handle at the track for the shut off.

When you are not at the track,swap the tail light and put a plug in the hole underneath. This was on my SRT Magnum.

badass idea! I like it!

Ya i agree with u there, i was jus on my phone and wanted to help if i could… guess not lol :stuck_out_tongue: