LVD Tech w/ sealed battery in trunk

Lol there is no tech. Drive up pay your money and run at your own risk.

Tech at Napierville? If they had tech I wouldn’t have had to dodge driveshafts in the shutdown area at 125mph.

Thank you. This is why it pisses me off to hear all these people trying to get over on a track and illegally, and unsafely run their cars. Not many people here make any money what so ever at racing, so its only for fun. There is absolutely no need to have “fun” in a ill-equip car that could potentially put you or someone else in danger becasue they felt the cage, driveshaft hoop, etc were not “cool” to have on a street car/part time track car.

Kenny this isnt towards you. A battery cut off is piss in the pot… I am talking about low 10 sec or faster cars with no cages, harnesses, etc, people thinking its OK to sneek through tech with a bold on harness bar that “looks like a cage”…

When people start racing on a regular basis they seem to get more safety conscious. But yeah…there are too many people that think it’s a joke.

This is exactly what I have too.

That’s a really great idea.