Mac advice...

Post number 4.

He starts off good, but ends with a big tirade which is straight fanboism. Some people make me laugh. My machine would smother the living daylights out of his precious Mac.

Regardless, as he says, PC’s are more and more being capable of doing the artsy design work that Macs were once known for doing better. You can achieve the same stuff on both platforms now, especially since Mac’s can run Windows.

To me, it boils down to cost. I can build a ridiculous machine/laptop for the price of a new high-priced Mac that will surpass it in ALL specs. This is why I recommend Marissa not get a Mac and instead fix/upgrade or purchase a new PC and just keep it clean with what I mentioned in my original post. She’ll save money, and be better off.


I just read more of that thread and this guys posts.

Basically…he is an idiot and has a shitty PC…and he thinks it’s Windows’ fault. LOL. Typical user.

SUE at it’s finest.

I think the majority of all computer user’s at home (probably at work as well) are doing nothing more then web browsing, email and some picture editing whether they are on Mac’s or Windows boxes. I don’t have any statistics on that. Just observation.

There are an enormous amount of features in both OS’s that never get touched from what I see. That’s why I like the direction of Google Chrome OS for home use. Obviously it’s no where close to being mainstream…but it makes sense to me.

On that note whether it’s a Mac or Windows box most people spend entirely too much money in my opinion. If money is not an issue I like the Mac’s mostly for design and build quality. But I think the most basic of Dell’s is more then enough for most people who don’t have excess money to toss around(those 3-500 dollar specials).

i have been using apples since the old ass IIE. i’ve owned a pc too. i see no reason to have them. i love macs. people hate on them because people love to hate. if i was a gamer i’d prob own a pc. but i have a 360 and ps3 for that. everyone in this threads seems to just be a bunch of fanbois, weither its for pc or apple. and i hate them both alike, i hate the converts that think just cause an apple logo is on it its awesome.

I love my mac… unless your making beats or intense videos or something like that, don’t get the mac book pro. Just get the regular macbook.

and if your doing that get something besides a laptop imo.

Word… Im not too keen when it comes to computers. I have a macbook air and I love it, but I also just use it for school and entertainment.

You can’t go wrong with either. Windows 7 is wayyy better. Vista FTL and XP is uninteresting now.

I talked my step Mom into buying an IMac over the summer and her and my lil bro friggin love it. Much like yourself, they were people that just couldn’t, for whatever reason, get into the PC experience. I don’t have to clean spyware/malware, temp files, etc, etc every time I go over there and that’s a WIN for me!

Previous to my current possition, I was in desktop support for about 6 years. I fucking HATED working on the few older MACs I came across, however, I do like them now. I eventually would like to buy an IMac for shits because there are certain things that they do better. I’ll probably score one off Criags or something. I had OSX running on my Dell Latitude D630 and my other Dell tower for awhile. Kinda cool, but a little buggy.

Like Eliot said, I just can’t stand people who are just one sided. I’ve met people that swore by MAC, but while listening about their PC gripes, they were unfounded and it was mostly user error. They think MS is like this evil giant trying to ruin their lives or something. Rediculous.

Buy your MAC. You will love it.

the only reason to hate ms would be if you have been loyal to apple since day one, know that bill gates stole the operating system that was jointly worked on, told steve jobbs to fuck off and now has a ton of more money because of something he stole. i still think bill gates is a scum bag, doesn’t mean i’ll discredit his companies products because of that, hell i own a 360.

Bill Gates stole Windows!? :lol

Actually, it originated from Xerox not Steve Jobs. And Xerox basically gave it away as just one of the many blunders of that stupid company.

But Steve DID steal a liver. :lol

yes it originated from xerox and steve jobs and bill gates were working on it together, bill gates turned around and copyrighted it himself behind his back. believe what u want. thats fine.

There is nothing WRONG with pc’s some people just prefer mac’s over pc’s, and based on what they do if its leisure, work, or both.

I Love mine… have the mac book pro… and this is my 4th mac laptop and I have had 3 mac desktops… We also have a windows desktop and a laptop at home but I def prefer my macs an have always had great luck with them and the customer service if something needs fixed…

You need to do better research. It originated before Jobs/Gates at Xerox PARC in the early 70s. I’d say Xerox got screwed but they just gave it up. In fact, I believe

You can argue that Gates re-used part of the MAC O/S in early versions of windows but the US Court disagrees with you.

They are both PCs to be clear.

People can buy what they want. My only issue is that people waste their money on a MAC when they use it for basic browsing/email. If that’s what they want, sure. But, when the justification is built on how windows-based machines are subject to exploit, that’s silly.

Years ago I thought since Apple used different processor architecture than IBM compatible machines, that they were better for graphics. However today I doubt there really is a huge difference. For the price of an Apple you could probably build a sick Windows based PC that can handle graphics just as well.

Microsoft/Windows have made up the ground quite a bit over the last few years as you indicated.

buy Mac…
put windows on it…

have the cute gay fanboi style of the mac with the hairy manliness of windows


I laffed.

Exactly! Most people use a computer more as a internet appliance. Email, web browsing, instant messaging, etc. You could do that sort of thing over many different types of platforms, hardware and/or software. It’s pretty much down to how much do you want to spend and how much patience do you have for electronic devices, in general.

Just to clarify though - I am by no means a Mac fanboi- I use them because I know how to make them work well for what I want to do.