Magellan, TomTom, Garmin, whats best

I was thinking about the Tomtom 910 GPS, the g/f has been bugging me to buy one.

I would like something that works in Europe, Canada and the US.

Are any brands better than others?

How often do these things break?

I’ve heard nothing but good about Garmin.

Plus, they have that annoying commercial that plays around every xmas with the moose.

vouch for loving my Garmin here.

I used to sell these things, and nothing can touch the Garmin in my opinion. TomTom has some nice features, but they are a pain in the balls to use compared to the garmin models.

don’t get a magellan. They aren’t as accurate as either of the other two. Garmin seems to be better than TomTom.

I can’t find out more tonight for ya tho.

My wife’s Garmin is less than a year old and randomly turns off and won’t turn back on. Just saying they’re not perfect. But the directions, route adjusting, text to speech, and all that works well.

very happy with my garmin!

I have a TomTom One 3rd Edition. I am very happy with it.
Free map updates, free upgrades, etc.

And since I got it for $25 final price when it was retailing for $279, I am even more happy. (Promo prices, rebates, black friday)

Used it for trips to Detroi (through Canada), some to Detroit, and randon locations. Hasn’t steered me wrong yet.

I’ve got the Garmin GPS10X which with Bluetooth I can pair with my Treo or laptop. Works great. Their activation is a pain though. Can’t use it with any other osftware yet though it’s supposed to. And working right now with them to unlock my older map sets to use with the newer GPS.

The hardware is great but the overhead is a pain.

works in europe?

i wana go

I’ve used garmin 350 and 660 and tomtom 3rd, even without price differences tomtom owns. With price in the picture, tomtom owns hands down. All those other brands suck, like mag, and nextar or whatever it is.

Depends on the brand and model. My Garmin came with city level data for the US, and major roads for Canada. You have to look at each one.

I’ve used many different brands and models. The Garmin wins hands down IMO. It has stellar performance an the UI is great. Its not bloated with features you won’t use or are useless, and is a great size for taking on trips and excursions out of your daily driver. I have the 650 FWIW.

I want to make sure the one i buy works in Europe, sounds like I’m going with a Garmin

So wrong…

Actually if you want one for europe get a tomtom or any manufactur that uses tele-atlas which were originally european vendors.
I have a magellan and its perfect, not overpriced like the nuvi either, does more, looks the same and uses the same navteq maps. So all you that complain about mapping, the GPS companys only use 2 map vendors, navteq and tele atlas. Navteq seems to be updated alot more than tele. Its all personal preference tho, i did alot of research and the magellan was perfect for what i need, without overpaying for a nuvi that does 50% less than my magellan.

research my friend, goes along way :slight_smile:

i think the garmins look the best… but idk

they all use the same screens basically, just the sizes. yes the interfaces are different, i originally had a mio and it was too cluttered.

I forgot to mention, my TomTom One 3rd Edition not only works in the US and Canada, but also in Europe.

i love my garmin. only time i had trouble with it was in Boston when i went into a huge tunnel and lost reception and it took a minute to figure out where we were going after we got back to normal ground.

edit- being in a place you’re not used to the search for food/shopping/fuel option is awesome

Have you garmin lovers, used a tomtom? Seen its customization features compared to the garmins???