Lately, I been getting pulled over ever 2nd or 3rd night. I just go with it man. I laugh. Play around with the cops. Done nothing wrong…so it’s just a routine “check”
MTO showed up once after I got an improper muffler ticket (Straight pipe ftmfw!)
They go over the ENTIRE car. I taught MTO how to check ball joints properly as well.
RB? HA, they are god damn clueless. One guy looked at the “stamp” on the car and then compared that to the badge on the motor. “Oh, cool. 24 and 24. Must be factory”
I get more compliments then complaints when I get pulled over. It’s actually kind of nice.
Last guy informed me of a blitz the weekend that just passed and a whole wack of other shit. We ended up talking for 15 minutes!
If you know how to talk, your all good. Just don’t be a douche.
lol exactly what i do…they ask me stupid questions like oh so wheres the drugs and your gun? im like o i forgot em at home… lol i was pretty surprised… not all cops are dicks… like 87 said just talk to em