Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

knowing what …knowing that they are fake in some form act cool wit ya one min then run ya in the ground the next ? knowin that they got found out ? i dont get it:wtf

and threads about dicks, poop, fucking jellyfish, rape and body disposal, etc started by members other than us three clowns are ok though?


why’s it got to be a camaro ? is it a hot chick or fat chick.

i undersatnd ur point. trust me i do. it’s just everything takes a life of it’s own. what my seem left field to u may seem more right field for us.

again i see ur point.!!!

but what i’m saying is most threads r off topic b4 i get. yes i’m talking about just me!!. if there off topic or way in left field , i kind of follow suite… but my point is some , I seeming to getting singled out much more than others. That really post shit off in left field.
again i see what ur saying but if ur going to split thread or remove said comment. u need to do it for all off topic comments not just the seem like there off topic but all of them. that’s whats pissing me off about. i got like 5 post moved the other night cuz they were off topic. mot really but i believe more cause of offensiveness.
but yet there r still off topic comments in said thread that r there still.

what i’m saying is dont single out just 1 2 or 3 people but remove all off topis comments.

wow, you 3 are the only ones upset about it. paul, you post nothing purposeful, john, you too often post nothing constructive, and hank, is…well hes hank. no one understands him anyway.

Nope, if I wasn’t satisfied, I wouldn’t care what my friends think and I’d divorce the bitch. The friends will understand.

Your point is only playing into my argument, if I’m not satisfied with the site…

I appreciate you and the rest of the members helping the site get bigger.

But bigger is not always better.

then the off topic thread would be 12 billion pages long

all right ,seein as i dont do shit cause my name aint adam henn “no dis adam” or cossey or some other mod i dont do shit fuck every one ya all are on your own when ya need my help in some form or another

Im the first to admit Im here for the bullshit and drama.
If I need quick simple help Ill post here but usually I will post on a Mustang or F150 related forum if its more involved.

Those are okay, because from the very first post, scratch that, the title alone people knew what they were getting into and that the thread was random and useless.

That’s why there was no splitting happening in those threads, because they are junk to begin with.

john i’m lost dude

I’m not trying to be biased against anybody.

Feel free to send me a link to any of the threads get get OT to the point where they need splitting, and I’ll take care of it.

And they do get split from other members as well.

i’m not pissed !! by any mean’s nobogy else is posting well be cuz they dont have the ball’s or maybe cuz they dont want to be realized , singled out what ever.

my point is that who ever it is if there removing post. seem to be singling out a few people and letting others slide by. for what ever reason. or again may simply being over looked.

if ur going to remove one or to post thaaat r off topic. it’s like ur showing favortisim. spelline owns me tonight.

if your going to do it for said 3 people to make it effective u need to do it for every one. wether it’s slightly off topic moderattel or what ever.
but whats good for the goose is good for the gander. thats all i’m saying.

and no i’m not worked or bent. but i really hate trying to get my fucking point acroos over the net it never seems to come right get misinterpted.

That tis all.

john i never said you dont do anything, but when it comes to the internet we all know why youre here, and its not to teach anyone how to type.

hank man, i move tons of posts, from anyone and everyone who sends the thread off topic. if i were to be biased, id pick on PJB solely

i move my own posts alot of times, because ill respond and be like, ohhh that was dumb, and move it all.

So people get turned away when they see us busting each others balls but not a bunch of threads about poop, dicks, etc?

Why just me though? Half the time I dont start it but I do get involved with it.

its simple …we all use this site as a giant chat room then all of a sudden we cant because someone gets pissy or suttin else …like me for instance according to brett most of my threads or posts are useless ya know why cause i come at peeps diff than m,ost or my name aint big like adam henn or suttin …i get no less than 15 calls a day from people on here needin help or a car favour but no repect out of the posts or shit i type …

i’m not saying ut being biased. but it sure the fuck feels like other people are!!!

i’m not here to throw people under the bus. (well excpet for maybe that one for sale thread. nut there’s more to it than just.)
i don’t do it in real lifr i’m going to do it here.
i don’t talk any shit behind anyone’s back that i don’t have ball enought to say to there face. that just me.

but it does seem alot biased that all i’m saying.:ahh

because youre easy put yourself out there for a quick joke all the time. we just set you up, you put it all out there, and hours of fun occur.

Here, this should help eliminate any bias.

We’ll let the members talk.

i call when i’m lonely some times ur voice seems to relax me.:hug

how about putting in a real time chat like on AUG ???:thumbup