Moderation, Recent Offtopic splitting and the BS siituation on the forum

i cant type and have the words sound like i need em to ,im a dropout what do ya want:bowdown… and you do the same shit dig on people and bust balls to so pot meat kettle

reason is man, 99% of your posts throw a thread wildly off topic. between you 3 in this thread, a topic could go from eating at taco bell, to humping some fat girl while welding a patch panel for an 88 camaro. while looking at animal porn(pjb)

all im doing is what was asked of me by the sites creator. thats it. so if you got a problem take it up with him. im just an SS henchman.

And Ive got no problem with being the butt of a few jokes. Ive got a sense of humor and Im pretty much an easy going guy. I dont really take shit personal most of the time.

Just dont get pissed when it turns around on you, thats all.

slow down there meatpaws… i’ve never haggled you for a favor… hell, i’d let you mount my tires, but if you scratched my rims i’d have to hit you with said prybar :rofl

not blamin you for it all ,but ya tend to over do it a bit

thatas how we roll in real liif man:rofl

And so what if John likes to hump fat chicks in his Camaro in the taco bell drive thru?

You want a chat room?


not sayin you :haha and most deff dont let me mount wheels i suck at it

I cant believe i just read 3pgs of this shit

I cant believe you werent a part of it

you should be in there also ,you go o/y as well as all of us:lol:thumbup

I try not to too bad, but on occasion, fuck it :lol

and its all in fun, right? Thats kinda our point. I guess that makes us the outlaws here.

my point exactly ,and i guess we cant

you are like a fuckin giant dude… :lmao i’m gonna take them to mick pupello’s… if they scratch them, they’ll be responsible, and i’ll be calling you to come break me out of the county, after i commit assault.

mofo your a friend , ill be next to ya

It’s not outlaws, for some reason it becomes an issue when the OT ballbusting posts get split off, so the original discussion can go on and you guys can discuss your remarks you’ve made about each other in the OT “safe heaven” :ponder

I dont know… I think the OT banter is amusing… but to a point. Some threads are asking for it, def, but I can see why Vovchandr is getting pissed also.