More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)

if i can do it i think anyone can. worked my ass off and ate more food than i care to think about. still have a long way to go…

you dont look 255, you must be tall as shit?

agreed im thinkin 220 but who am i to talk. im 6’4" @ 250 right now and im pretty sure im taller. but like i said i aint no trainer.

hes prolly gonna get pissed or think im a fag for posting his pic but emanual (deadbeat) is I think around 240 and looks twice his siZe

Im 6’4". I’ll take a pic of the scale when i get to the gym at 5:30 tonight if you doubt…

yeah, im like 8 inches taller than him…

thats a big boy

That explains it, you are tall as fuck lol… I wasnt doubting ya, just wasnt sure.

not doubting just a opinion. your gains are commendable for sure!

deadbeat is huge and strong as hell. lol

yeah, not all that strong either really… seems like being so tall and long puts me at a leverage disadvantage… :dunno

I actually like being short, so easy to look big lol

me right around 200 pounds

no homo lol

ill still whoop that ass J/K :lol

damn, nice work. no homo.

i’m 5’8’’ and around 200 with quite a bit more chubb then you. i’d kill for an extra 6’’ of height.

and yeah, shorter limbs give you a mechanical advantage.

prolly would bro, the bigger I get the slower I get… I used to FFFUUUUUCCKKKK dudes up at 160 when I used to box. my 160 self would dance right around me at 207 right now.

I agree, i had a friend growing up that was a little scrapper, we used to have boxing matches in his basement all the time i could not beat him… he was 5’9" jacked and i was 6"3" with a much larger reach. his agility / speed owned me

I don’t know what to do. I’m 5 7 165. Not fat but not in shape, kinda average. Not sure whether to start trying to build mass and fat up or just cardio and tone up what I have already. :ponder

The answer to that is dependent on your goals lol… You want the swimmers bod or you want the beach bod?

Swimmers bod - tons of cardio, abs, light weight exercises w/ high reps

Beach bod - very little cardio, heavy as fuck weight, low reps.

whatever you feel is fitting to score hot bitches :lol