More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)


…even tho I workout for me and only me as most biznitches dont like the huge look I am aiming for. :Idiots

If I start doing one it goes into completely opposite way of the other right?

Im not looking be huge and would likely do body weight training while doing cardio but seems counter intuitive.

do different aims but they compliment each other.

cycle back and forth for best results:number1

Dave, just a quick question man, feel free to Pm if you want but for the last month ive probably packed on about 9lbs of muscle, every morning when i workout (630 ish) i take NOxplode, as soon as i get to work(right from the gym) i take a protein shake, for lunch another shake and creatine, what are your opinons? im always looking for new protein/energy/supplements to use

9 lbs of muscle in one month?


First of all if you truely gained 9 pounds of muscle in 1 month without aas good fucking work, its almost unheard of. Noxplode is a preworkout supp that pretty much is just meant to give you the energy you need to go hard during your workout… It has nitric oxide in it but its all garbage… Save your $30 and go to price chopper and stock up on 100mg caffein pills… Pop 1-2 20 minutes before a workout and youll be a fucking monster!

As far as shakes go, take em whenever you can but the two most important times are within 15 minutes of waking up in the morning and 15 minutes after working out. Upon waking up your body is starving and eating away at your muscles, grab a quick shake to give your body something to feed on instead of your muscles youve worked so hard to pack on… Right after your workout your body is instantly in recovery mode, you wanna feed the muscles as much as humanly possible so they grow back bigger otherwise you preetttyyy much waisted your workout :confused:

ok, light weight high rep routine with 15-20 minutes on the elipticle after every weight session… DONT CHEAT! I know the elipticle sucks! lol

im 6’3", 125lbs, no abs and, well straight. up. JACKED.


talk about me like that again and the next time i see you on central im running you off the road!!

lol jp

Yeah man, unless the PF scale is fucked haha, honestly i was 144ish about a month ago i weighed today on an empty stomach and was about 153, ive been eating alot(the right way) and i drink my protein within 15 minutes of my workout

im actually out of noxplode so im going to take your advice!

dont you hurt my jimmy!

Emans my trainer

if you just started taking creatine in that month you’ve gained some water weight in your muscle, same goes if you just started lifting. 9lbs of lean muscle in a month is impossible even on aas. there i said it. However, gaining 9lbs bodyweight in a month is not impossible and is hard work, so congrats…

Just curious, how do you know that the 9lbs you gained were all muscle?
I’m assuming there are water weight/fat mixed into that 9lbs you gained but if it’s truly 9 lbs of MASS in a month more power to you. :dunno

Deff bit of water weight with the creatine.

Yeah very true it could be some water weight, couldnt tell ya but im pretty happy in my gains so far

No doubt playa. Keep on it

Call your uncle Putin, he seems to be in good shape. maybe some keg tosses, or vodka binges may help?

A good place to start is just trying to do chin ups and push ups…If you cant do chin ups grab a chair and throw your feet up on it to assist you…That’s what I had to do…Now I can do 15-20 regular chin ups no problem and can do like 7-8 with 40 extra lbs on me(no cheating though, you have to come all the way down…lol)…Im roughly 170lbs right now…Same thing with push ups…do as many as you can do until failure…Just keep good form…have your chest hit the floor each time…I throw 40 lbs in a backpack and do them now…Ive seen really decent gains just from doing those…I do other stuff too but not much more…Ive also been following a Intermittent Fasting diet too which is pretty awesome…I like it a lot…check it out at …I know it goes against most of the broscience that’s out there but it has worked pretty well for me…There are also threads about it on…Ive only gained about 4 lbs in body weight but I have leaned out quite a bit in the process…