More workout talk (Split from purchase thread)

Uncle’s workout is too rich for my blood.

Start the morning with some cardio in an F1

Then fly around in a mig in the afternoon to get the adrenaline flowing as F1 just barely wakes you up

Proceed to put out any fires you find flying around Russia and Europe including bond fires

Finish the day with the evening kill of whatever the fuck he wants to kill

On occasion throw some minorities around

God Obama is such a wuss.

That old dude is sick with the judo toss!

Ever since I started my new job I’ve gotten horrible with going to the gym and training. I trained almost every single day 4 hours a day. Lately now I can’t find the energy to even think about going to train.

You’re honestly probably doing your body a favor, 4 hours a day of any kind of training is gonna kill your CNS quick

it’s cardio, striking, bjj and very little weight lifting. There’s noooo way I could do straight lifting for that amount of time.

Putin is out of control.

Eman is small. There. I said it.

On a serious note, got back into the gym pretty hard again for some time now, start of the year I was ~225, just weighed myself at the gym today and am 201.4. Id like to cut to 190 or so, then build back up to 205 or so. Really gotta start doing cardio, been all lifting as of now :lol

ummmmmm u owe me a redneck pack of beaters sir




And you owe me a nautica polo, dick!! :rofl

Im at 215 now and would like to get down to 195. Im pretty good at maintaining my current weight and have been lifting more on quite a few machines/free weights.

Ive got some issue with my right shoulder that seems to be preventing me from benching more weight though. For some reason it gets really sore when benching but not while actually working on shoulders.

substitute benching with dumbell presses, machine presses and pec dec flyes.

I broke my collar bone on my dirtbike years back and couldnt bench hard for YEARS. STILL hurts.

shoulder days go very light with ultra high reps.

I havent really done much with dumbells but I do the fly machine on chest day. I can max out the machine at the gym (305 I believe).

On shoulder day I generally go heavy without an issue. I shoulder press a set of 4 of 185 on the machine and shoulder shrug 365 using a bar and weights.

lol, your shoulder must not hurt too bad haha

yeah, thats the fucked up thing. No pain at all while doing shoulder workout yet it kills me benching.
I cant seem to bench more than 195.

go light high reps, just do an extra set or two, youll grow.

my shoulder hurts during dumbell shoulder presses, but anything else im fine. mgiht be your form is off, or youve got a cuff/ or isolator muscle issue, something is strained when doing that particular workout.

I usually do 155, 175, 195. I didnt think going any lighter would benefit anything.
Ive done over 200 before with a spotter but dont want to chance it with the shoulder issue lately.

how many reps at 155, 175, 195?

Yeah, I dont know if its from work doing repetitive motions or an injury Im unaware of. I do carry packs of linen on my shoulders alot in the shop and on deliveries but Ive been doing that for 6 years now so I dont see why it would just start to bother me.
Could be that my form is a little off too because Im not always 100% steady and even with a bar.

8 of each weight

yea fuck that… do 135x15, 150x13, 165x10 and then finish it with another set of 135 for as many reps as you can do.

8 reps of the light weight weight mentioned isnt gonna help you gain at all lol