Motards, K20's, and Niskayuna Police

That shit was orchestrated.

They didn’t place calls to the house we were all hanging out at, just a call about the K20 equipped vehicle. We didn’t find that out until we talked with the sargeant after this all happened.

It usually is… Cops on LI stop bikes by pulling out in front of them… Lucky that didn’t happen.

not judging

its common sence.

you dont run, yet alone go back to the spot you ran from to begin with then you wouldnt have watched your bike leave on a flat bed…

its like robbing a gas station…

say you rob a gas station one night, are you going to go back there the next day to get gas? common since.

Wow this thread is… hot hot hot.

Yeah Steven’s was definitely using all of his power, and then some today.

Hey I got ny bike on the road today. Did ya get yours back from impound?

Tomorrow morning it will be open.

I wasn’t running from that location. Like I said don’t type things unless you are certain you know what you are arguing about. Everyone who was there is reading your posts and shaking their heads right now. Just shut up already.


yea smokin you wernt there so just stfu no cops were ever at my house leo came flyn up the street running from the one cop and was gona put it in my garage and close the door which would have worked but there was already another cop at my house because he got a call on bikes being loud and knew i had bikes. doesnt matter if your on a motard or crotch rocket you dont own either so go ride your dumb quad

Ouch, that’s rough guys :(. Good luck with that.

Hey how much is the fine for just riding with a permit?


this makes me all tingly inside.

I’d like to confront you when I meet you to pick up my cutout and discuss your posts. Seriously, theres no reason to call me a moron or dumb. I’m actually a pretty smart kid to be honest…


More than you can afford pal, Ferrari.


Smoke him

cameo owes me a 10 second car

nisky cops never gave me any problems…except for when i turned off my parents street (myron) onto nott and i was rippin thru the gears on the firebird and was doin about 60 when i saw the lady cop in the explorer or expedition or w/e sittin on clifton park…she said to keep it slow and not just slow down when i saw a cop:lol…then she let me go…lol