Motards, K20's, and Niskayuna Police

It’s true though. I won’t run unless I’m certain I could get away… :shifty

He didnt have to tow my bike. This exact cop gave me 4 tickets back in the fall and he let me friend come pick the bike up instead of taking it - because i didnt even have my permit. He only had it towed because he was pissed off at leo for doin 70 down my street lol. the other two cops were just sitting there collecting my tax payer money the whole hour this dragged on

i told the cops i was taking the pics for a good reason i go “im taking a pic of my exhaust because when some asshole breaks into your impound lot and steals it ill have proof it was on there because its your word against mine and you will win” dickhead didnt like that very much. i should have put my bike in my garage and closed the doors and told them to fuck off. buncha bullSHIT.

for those of you who remember i tried to pay my court fee in $100 of un-wrapped pennies but i talked my way out of it. the towing fee is $90 so guess whos getting the pennies :slight_smile:

guess who’s bike is gonna accidentally get dropped when they bring it out then.

no they won’t do that. They’re dickheads, but not scumbags… or atleast we hope


you never try to outrun anything on Motards, you always lose.

if your on a real road bike on the other hand…

in what vehicle of yours has ever had the capabilities of sustaing a buck 30 bro :rofl:hug

Given the circumstances that would be cllose to impossible.

I know what you mean though, I’ve done it numerous times.


you cant be mad at the police…you all did it to yourself. plan and simple!!

Shut up and give me my cutout back.

The guy blocked off the road. There was a ROAD BLOCK with a police officer with his gun pointed at me. It doesn’t matter if you are on a pedal bike or an R1, you aren’t going anywhere. Put yourself in my shoes.


Im not mad at them by any means, I talked with Stevens for an hour about it.


Fuck tha POlice…

o wait :hug

dont be a drunk for one weekend and meet up with me so I can give the POS back to you lol

thats why you dont try to run from them on motards to begin with.

yet alone be dumb enough to go back to the place you were all hanging out where you said their was already placed calls about you guys to the police. dumb lol

i love that song!

You’re on a DIRT BIKE

Hop the fucking curb, he’s not going to shoot you. lol

the SER was electronically limited at 148 (confirmed :lol), someone had an intake and a chip and went ~165 or so. it trapped 98 bone stock. was no slouch for a grocery getter :lol

There is no curb to hop. You guys can argue all day about it, ask the real people that were there. There was nowhere to go. The police had all directions covered.

but, what if he did?!,… HAHA :haha

Like I JUST said, don’t judge with your stupid ass comments unless you were there in person.

Hope you dont die and get a lot of money from it… :lol
