Movie thread.

dude i read that shit in 4th grade, one of the few books i did read when told to do so.

i saw that the movies came out now and i wanna see them ! the books were great

If you were looking at it as some legit serious nazi movie then you were probably very dissapointed. but it was very entertaining…

Dont hate

This exactly. The first time I watched Basterds, I was really into it. The part with the general talking to the farmer with the people under the floor… So much suspense. I still think ‘Pulp Fiction’ and ‘Dusk till Dawn’ are some of his best.

“Im going to give you a little something you cant take off.” :ahh

pulp fiction is one of the best movies period, looking across the board…

saw hangover 2 yesterday. If you like the first one you’ll like this one. Same concept as the first one with some hilarious parts. I’d def watch it a second time.

I was just looking for a good movie, apparently that was asking too much.

Beginning was great and if it stayed that way throughout I’d be happy, but it just fell apart more and more towards the end.

Agreed. It had its good parts and was entertaining but as far as war movies go it has some very stiff competition.

Cant even call it a war movie as no war was happening in the flick, he simply used it for a time period and easy excuse for gore. Fuck historic accuracy as well.

Not enough Basterds even through the movie as he was too tied up with the awkward love story. Half of the Basterds were killed after barely being in what one other scene before?

I could go on with the fact that there were no guards in a theater during a war with every high ranking officer in it? And Hitler laughing like a baby?

Vlad Umad.


So it’s safe to say this this movie is not in your DVD collection? :lol

Basterds is a masterpiece, Landa is probably the best villain in a movie since the Joker.

Just because you find a piece of chocolate in a turd, you will call it dessert?

Really? I thought he was nothing more than a turncoat that got what he deserved.

Clockwork Orange? Thats another fun movie. lol

I enjoyed just about everything about the film not just Landas character

I suppose you could look at it like that if youre looking for a really quick way to sum him up based on his final actions in the movie. But Its not a documentary. I dont think there are many actors out there that could have pulled off that character but thats just my opinion.

I had no fucking idea what I had just watched after seeing that movie for the first time. Watched it a few more times since then and love it.

Definitely a cult movie and a movie you have to watch more than once. Soooo weird.

seen the clockwork orange, awesome

hangover2 was dope

Anyone see Bridesmaids yet?