Movie thread.

Lock, stock and two smoking barrels.

Still have to watch this one, have it on my broken computer.

Love the old school bond movies with Connery and Moore, can’t wait for the next Bond movie with Craig as well.

YES! Love that movie. +Rep for remembering for me lol

^good shit, have that on my list and in my dvd collection, just havent gotten around to watching it…

Green Street Hooligans, def a badass movie, about european football. crazy fight scenes and good story. i thought it was one of the best movies i had seen in a while. but i think later im off to see X-Men: First Class and whatever else theyre showing with the drive in. im pumped. Comic book movies ftw!

What drive in is around here? I know of Coxsackie. I did hear that Xmen was well done, but I dont really like that series myself, except the first one.

Jericho Drive-in in Glenmont/ Malta Drive-in

Just watched the Crow for the first time, the story has potential but what a horrible movie. Apparently there are talks of doing a remake but all of these cult following fruits are saying the movie is perfect the way it is and should never be remade. Thats like saying the Joker should have never been cast again after Jack Nicholson. I blame this movie for every emo kid ever.

movie sucked…i was not impressed at all by it

Just saw Hangover 2 last night. Fun, but basically the same story as the first.

Hall Pass was not very good. Only redeeming quality was the hot Aussie.


Currently watching it on BBC America. Its okay. Could certainly be better though. I dig the Nine Inch Nails soundtrack though.

Transformers 3 looks epically terrible much like Transformers 2

All you had to see to know that is Michael Bay made it, so its gonna be little more than a giant robot explosion fest.

So i FINALLY watched Pulp Fiction last night…

By far the weirdest fucking movie I have ever watched, not like creepy weird, or mind fuck weird, or any odd type of weird… Just weird

Not saying it was bad, I quite enjoyed it, but I have a feeling I need to watch it a few more times.

Yeah, its a pretty good flick. My issue with terrantino is that he can’t seem to pace a movie well.

Is there a sign out front that says dead ****** storage?

Figured I’d give this a bump considering I’m a movie whore and the discussion of older/upcoming movies interests me.

Here are some movies I’ve seen over the course of the past few months, either in theater or DVD:

Tower Heist - Saw this at the Scotia Theater last week for 9 dollars for me and the old lady (can’t beat the $4.50 a ticket), and I was surprised how much I actually liked the movie. Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, & Casey Affleck star. 4/5 Stars

Rise of the Planet of the Apes - Saw this flick a while back but absolutely loved it. CGI of the apes was a hell of alot better then I originally thought it was going to be. I was extremely skeptic going into the movie about it being a pre-quel to the original Planet of the Apes but I can forsee this being a great setup for a 2-3 film franchise with James Franco. 4/5 Stars

Moneyball - I’m not a very big Brad Pitt Fan and was extremely surprised with how well Jonah Hill played his role in this film. You don’t necessary have to be a baseball fan to enjoy this movie, as my girlfriend loved it (I think alot of that has to do with the fact that Brad Pitt was in the movie). The premise and movie itself is based on a true story. 4/5 Stars

Real Steel - CGI Robots were bad ass in this movie, other then the CGI there isn’t much else to really rave about in this movie. Was too drawn out and too sappy. Would be good for a Father/Son to go see. 2/5 Stars

Change Up - This movie sucked for one reason and one reason only. The trailers for this movie completely gave away every single funny aspect of the movie. I could have gone without seeing this and I really don’t recommend this film to anyone, even as a date movie. 1/5 Stars

Horrible Bosses - Probably one of the best comedies i’ve seen in a long time. Jennifer Aniston is absolutely amazing in this movie (there’s shit that she says in this movie that would make your eyes pop out of your head). Charlie Day, Colin Farrel, and Jennifer Aniston make this movie work. 4.5/5 Stars

Friends with Benefits - Watched this one with the old lady the other night and was pleasently surprised. Justin Timberlake did a really good job in this movie and obviously Mila Kunis is bangin so she could of said 0 lines in the movie and her performance would have been great. They’re dynamic on screen works really well together and is probably one of the better chick flick movies I’ve seen in some time. 4/5 Stars

Crazy Stupid Love - Another Chick Flick that was just “OK”, Ryan Gossling is pretty funny in this movie but it’s too sappy and tries to do too much towards the end. 2/5 Stars

30 Minutes or Less - Another one of those movies where I feel like the trailer gave away some of the more funny moments of the movie. The whole premise behind the movie is stupid as hell and if you can avoid picking apart plot hole after plot hole throughout the movie then I guess it’s alright. To be honest with the cast of characters in it, I was expecting it to be a hell of alot funnier. 2.5/5 Stars

Paranormal Activity 3 - This is the type of film I would recommend everyone go see in the movie theater. I felt that when I saw it in the theater it amplified the scariness factor by a considerable amount. I thought it tied the whole series together rather well and there’s some parts in the movie which will scare the crap out of most people. I was rather impressed with this one, considering most sequals suck. I probably would have enjoyed it much more if it wasn’t for the obnoxious row of 13 and 14 year olds sitting behind us kicking our chairs and talking the whole movie. 3.5/5 Stars

Will add some more later as to what upcoming films I’m really looking forward to…

jack and jill wasnt that impresive sorta a waist of 16 bucks but it killed time on a boring day