Movie thread.

Puss and Boots was good

Rampage (2009)

Sherlock Holmes was good after adding several shots of Captain Morgan to my $4.75 Pepsi.

you’re gonna die at such an early age

Have not even wanted to go see any new movies in a while… nothing seems too good.

Side note about movies- the fiance will be in a bunch of up coming previews that play in lots of movie theaters across the US.

I just went and saw Mission Impossible 3 at Clifton Park Centers new RPX Theater ($15.50 per ticket) Saturday Night and all I can say is holy effing shit.

First off, I was suspect of having to pay $30 for me and the old lady to go see a movie, but I have yet to see a movie in the new RPX Theater (Digital High Def Projection Technology shown on a 54’ wide screen, forgot how tall it was).

It met and exceeded all expectations. Seats are made of a leather like material, lets you almost fully recline all the way back, and the quality of the picture was insane. Movie was bad ass too, this coming from someone who hasn’t seen the 2nd or 3rd MI movies. I would highly suggest it to anyone.

I really have a problem going to the movies. I can’t stand people who fucking talk/answer their phone while in the theater.

With that said, I saw The Sitter. Wasn’t bad.

Invest in the tourettes guy app.


I watched HANNA last night. I was really really unsure about this movie, the previews made it seem kind of stupid. A young girl whos some bad ass killer, woohoo who gives a shit.

The movie starts out kind of slow, theyre in the woods she kills a deer, her “father” coems up behind her says boom your dead, crazy little fight between them ensues, you become confused a little bit.

They live in this little shitty wood cabin with hardly anything but what you need, shes sheltered he reads her facts from a book, they train/go over stories etc, she flips a switch which alerts some broad where she is who apparently wants to kill her… still really confused at this point

Anyways, throughout the first hour or so I wanna say of the movie you feel like you completely fucking missed something, like you need to go back and relisten to everything because you just had to of missed something, nothing really makes sense, but as the move progresses past the halfway point you start to learn little things which starts to tie everything together, who the girl is, why they want her etc

Really the point where it just turns around is her first “fight” with people from the outside world

I just butchered that whole thing so I’m going to stop. If you were unsure of this movie don’t be check it out, its not perfect but it is very much entertaining and a whole lot better then I thought it was going to be

^ Thanks for ruining the movie for me…

your welcome, although aside from the details in the beginning I really dident ruin anything

Sorry steve :rofl

Just saw Watchmen, not sure how to feel about it, half loved it, half was lost and confused.

However, loved this


Watchmen was an hour too long.

Yeah, the first time I saw it I could not make it through the first hour and i turned it off

I wateched it again, and probably 3 times total and I like it , but its deff a little on the long side… the first hour does not need to be there

SENNA is on Netflix streaming for those who didn’t know already.

Watched it last night.

Nice to have subtitles which weren’t in the pirated version!


Yea I saw it, still havent watched it though, looking forward to it.

Drive was one of the best movies i have ever seen.

Cowboys vs Aliens, entertaining enough to watch through. The fact that Olivia Wilde was in it is what made me drop the few bucks on the OD rental. I’m never disappointed in seeing her in movies :excited

Just added