my incident at tims

87s15lt1 - Best to your case, Toronto Police have a hard time writing coherent disclosures. They seem to have talent developing multiple stories. Plot twisting scripts… Once the cross examining comes in, your lawyer should be more then capable of showing their incompetence. The cops more then likely have prior records of them doing similar useless arrests.

Its great to know that Police utilize our tax money so “wisely” in doing such punctual “arrest” that are so “beneficial” to our community.

Anyone who has a 3g mobile device, iphone, bb, nokia etc get the Trapster App - its freeware that updates users where Police are doing checks/radars and common areas where they hide. You can also report live, and it will forward to all other users within minutes.

Good to know about that app. Lookin into it right now!

correct as far as I know…

^ yup that is true.

I m starting to believe really heavily that mike is right. The cops just wanted to ruin your day. They didn’t really have any intention of going to court and fighting or anything. Otherwise they wouldn’t have made so many mistakes in your arrest.

Harmit, I hope you and everyone else is right man.

I hope my lawyer says the same thing tonight.

Going tonight at 5. I will let everyone know what he says.

Wish me luck…again! lol

^ Good luck. If all goes well, reach drift day to get rid of your stress!!! lol.

You absolutly have the right to know why you are being arrested, you then have the right to be infomred of your right and then be cautioned. It’s called ARC arrest, rights, caution. As soon as you are in cuffs and you are made safe (weapons, means of escape) you are to be infomred why. Being notified after you are released, being interviewed by various cops that did not proivide a secondary warning is a viloation of your rights making almost everything inadmisable. Yes the case is weak, and the cop only gets overtime if it isn’t on his regular shift. If found innocent you may be able to file for recovering lost wages, this I’m not sure of.

As for the cop meeting the bare minimum, I don’t see anywhere in that write up where that is done.

You…are the man!!! Thanks again dude.

This is a lot of information for me to take it lol. But I’m going to try my best and re-write the statement to clarify certain points.

Take it to the news, what’s that one bit they do on the news to help ppl expose their shitty situations. Prob won’t help you out much with the case but atleast the cop will feel like a dick.

I been thinking about that. But I myself do not that kind of attention lol

What if their case fails horribly and you win outright?

Do you get compensated for legal fees, stress etc etc

No but if theres evidence that points to them making claims out of thin air then you can pretty much sue them for defamation of character.

Well. Lawyer needs money. A lot of money…:frowning:

So I have a few things for sale as of now.

Hopefully I do not have to rip into the car other than the driveshaft. If I have to take anything major off. We’ll consider it a part out then.

As of now…help me keep me caaaarrrr

My lawyer goes for first appearance on the 25th. I will know by then.

Wish me luck on my careless ticket on the 5th too :frowning:

hey man, best of luck, looks like this shit follows the rb’s lmao

I had HID’s, Coils and Rim’s for a bit an of course on my first date with a girl I got the full run down. Sold the shit and the stock Skyline attracts very little attention but rides awesome so I will ride stock until this heat dies down. Best of luck in the case

Sorry for the slight off-topic, but speaking of heat ^
i don’t know about you guys, but i have noticed a SUBSTANCIAL increase of cops in the GTA/thornhill area.
so i guess just a reminder to be careful with what you do on the streets. and in your case 87s… from the story you shouldnt legally have much to worry about. shit gets out of hand sometimes, but this just seems ridiculous to ever escalade into anything more than what it is now.

best of luck, but im confident you’ll come out on top

The arresting officer tells me nothing would of happened had I not gotten out of my car.

…Doesn’t that hurt his case then? All he has against you is that you got out of the car, in which case there was no reason to even pull you over in the first place. All you did then was ask for an explanation, although the chest bumping thing is bullshit that could go against you here but it’s obviously best to maintain that you did no such thing.

What an officer says and what an officer records are two different things. Always like that.

Just go with you story, weither it be the truth or not, stick to ONE and recite it over and over in your head so that when you present your side of the story, hopefully the crown feels for ya a bit. Don’t be afraid to make them take pity on you.

Best of luck.

On paper… yes this is the case, REAL WORLD it is very hard to dispute these right violations and in his situation even more slim without any proof his rights were violated (if that was the case) I’ve seen it time and time again in the real world someone brings up a charter of rights violation only be to shot down in court by a judge/justice.

The cop may not get overtime…but he still gets paid, and A LOT of cops don’t mind getting paid to sit in court doing jack shit. You gotta remember that these cops writing these bogus tickets/charges are LAZY NO GOOD COPS that just do shit on their shift to basically pass the time and get paid for it all while appearing like they are working. This incident probably took up most of his shift, 2 hours on the scene, 1 hour doing notes and another 2 writing reports. Hell cops don’t even have to do jack shit in court…The Prosecutor does all the work, the cop just has to be there and maybe read his notes if asked to.

To me majority of “real” cops that give a damn and want to make things better go into specialty sections of the police force. Organized crime units, drug squad, detectives etc. Your “regular” police constables unfortunately love their ticket books.