my incident at tims

Careless and improper muffler were dropped completely this morning.

Odds are much better for the dangerous now.

I hope you know the first 3-5 years a cop must be in the crusier! After the years of being in the car he can apply to move to another department or stay with traffic team… cops write the tickets to keep their performance evalution high so that they can get notice. When a higher ranking comes up or a different team need a person they are not over looked! So give them a break!!

Congrats on the drops… the next one should be dropped if the cops do not have proper evidence to support investigations against you!!

That’s badass, good to hear!!

But even if the dangerous gets dropped also, the cops still wins cause he got to fuck you around and inconvenience your life.

I remember one time I swerved around a huge pot hole going north on Cawthra just north of lakeshore. A Peel pig was driving the opposite way and saw me swerve so he immediately spun around and threw on his cherries. He pulled me over, came up to my window. Bent down and said “Where the fuck is the pot?”, now mind you I just smoked one with my buddy so it stunk for sure, and literally just dropped him off so he must have got a nice wiff when I opened the window. I had nothing on me, so I say “I don’t have anything”. He says “Get the fuck out of the car,” he ends up THROWING me on the hood of his car. Starts searching my pockets finds my $900 in cash on me in a money clip LOL asks me what I do for a living, also I was 18 in 2002 and I had a 1998 GTI VR with leather etc. Then he throws me in the back of his cruiser with cuffs on and rips apart my car.

Twenty minutes later he gets back into the cruiser and tells me I’m lucky because he’s not going to charge me for what he found. I HAD NOTHING. So I ask “what did you find”, he says “residue.”
So basically he thought he could charge me for little weed crumbs on the floor of my car.

He ended up giving me a ticket for tinted windows. I took it to court and he didn’t show up.

I hate cops, I could seriously write a book on all the bullshit stories I have with the mother fuckers.

^^^^^^ yea man ive had a cop break my balls over “shake on the floor”, he couldnt find guns drugs or liquor so he got me for improper muffler… thats sick news tho man, best of luck with the dangerous driving, keep us posted

Hey chris, reach the drift event now. lol.

And congrats on todays court results.

The careless was another bullshit ticket from the dead center of summer.

This is not the dangerous lol.

Still gots no monies.

Can’t even afford an o2 sensor for the RB :frowning:

Doubt I will make it to the track dude.

One more court date…then I’m clear. I hope.

It is a huge inconvenience to the courts and the accused for an officer to charge you up the ass with bullshit charges. Then not show up to court.

Waste of my money and time.

There should be a law against this shit. If found innocent; all lost wages and suffered costs are reimbursed via the accusing officer. Somethin like that.

Agreed. My ticket might have been dropped for $150 but I lost $100 for not attending work and gas to and back from the courts.

you’re saying give cops a break because they need to charge you with offences to advance their own careers??

are you insane

That is pretty wack dude.

I have to suffer for your career/life to advance? What of mine? Are you better than me?

No cop hating here (the good ones), we NEED them.
Many of my references are in the police force in all ranks.

Yes you must be a regular PC for 5 years before going into a specialty department.

One of my former instructors was a member of the organized crime squad/ Youth gang squad and as a PC he maybe wrote a handful of tickets max, one time his staff sergent asked him “why aren’t you writing tickets?, you have none this month” his reply “I’ll do better this month sir” so what did he do? wrote 1 ticket… thats 1 more than the last month lol he was fucking with the staff sergant and his staff sergant never harassed him about that shit again but he was doing work in other areas.

His whole outlook, he knew he already got the job and couldn’t be fired for not writing tickets (union) so he was like fuck tickets I want to make a difference and actually do something with my position. This guy made a record number of arrests of actual criminals.

I have another instructor that was a detective and he rarely ever wrote tickets when he started as a PC.

I also used to train with a ETF/Riot squad member… and he rarely ever wrote tickets when he started out as a Police constable.

I noticed a trend with people that move on into specialty units and people that really move up in the police force, they look into other ways to boost their job performance rather than the easy way out and throw out abuncha tickets.

I could understand what your saying with new officers tho, if you are on the probationary period they probably don’t wanna overstep their boundaries and get noticed by issuing tickets.

I can usually understand the police’s point of view…

BUT in your case this is pretty harsh and the officer was a major asshole, he didn’t even hit you with a HTA charge this is a facking CRIMINAL charge he gave you. Something that can effect your life for MANY years. You can have trouble gettings jobs, travelling and everything.

Even if it went down exactly like you described and the officer was trying to make an example out of you… A criminal charge is pretty fucking harsh and hes a major jackass for doing that.

You are a loser.


I’m going to go see a cop today at 22 division, I’ll ask him lol.

So, Junior…did you ask?

Anyways, court on the 20th. I’ll keep everyone posted.

I got court the same week. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had the same prosecutor lol . It’s one from the Crown Attorney’s office of Ontario that looks over provincial and “criminal” charges like this. Best of luck.

So I am a loser why? and to FastsMaK your new so shut your face!

So I am a loser why?

Fasttrak your new so shut your face!

I wasnt talking about the bad police work that got the OP his tickets, I was just saying in general! I dont approve of cops giving dumb tickets or made up tickets to advance!!.. Like I am saying you see alot of rookie cops giving alot of legit tickets in their eyes. The more they give the mote the uppers see and it will help him/her open doors.

Welcome to the modern day western nazi state.

I feel sorry for you bro… i really hope everything works out, still reading through thread but i thought i’d share my sympathy…im still waiting on my court date for the 2.5" resonated, new cat, dual tip muffler exhaust issue lmao.

And 4 out of 5 cops i meet are arrogant puffed up ego ssholes… theres the ocassional human being you meet.