my incident at tims

hahaha see you dudes on the 20th at court… Fuck

I won’t be at court on the 20th. Thats what $5,000 gets you lol.

Don’t have to go.

I will be there the 22nd. Can’t wait lol.

Okay. Been a long ass time.

I may have to actually go to court next week. Criminal court.
I have never really gone to criminal court as a criminal lol.

What exactly is involved? Like, how to dress…act, what to say etc etc?
I’m nervous as fuck just because of that. I know I’m innocent. So I’m not to concerned with that, but we know how our justice system is.

I go see the lawyer Tuesday…court Wednesday. ughhhh

You don’t have to go dressed like a fucking prom king all I was wearing for mine was jeans and a nice shirt that’s all. Yes ma’am no ma’am be nice don’t lose
your cool let your lawyer talk it’s his job

I gotta go see my lawyer next week and last court date next Thursday

cant wait for this to end

Wear nice buttoned shirt (tie optional), dress pants, and dress shoes.

I’d wear a suit, never hurts to be over dressed…?

This is not from experience… etc etc, IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer, no homo)

best of luck to all of you! we might break the law once in a while but we arn’t murders or anything…were still good people, you know what i mean…

Dress up. You’re sitting infrnt of a judge who makes 150 000$ + a year. Do you think he wears jeans and a T shirt to something formal? Appearance is key, respect the system (take your turn, remain calm), and be polite. You’re golden.

I am not looking forward to seeing the cop. I can tell you that.
With my temper…I’m gonna be biting my tongue and holding my fists.

I’m probably gonna rock some new black dickies with white DC’s and a button up shirt. No hat. Slick the hair? Take out piercings. Probably won’t even wear my snap on jacket.

What all should I have to say then? If the lawyer does everything…why the fuck do I need to even go?
It’s bullshit that I am paying thousands of dollars for a lawyer…and have to take time off work. For something I NEVER did.

Sue the crown in a civil suit for remedy.

What does that even mean???:/:

I considered that. I really did. But…I’m not going to pretend to be someone I’m not. I don’t even have a suit that fits lol.

I think if you were wrongly convicted, you should ask how you can be reimburssed for damages and stress that it’s caused you in the past few months + pay.

It means a new lawsuit to do what samson has just said.

this has been on you for a couple months now, I would say that you’ve stressed alot about it.

talk it over with your lawyer and see what he recommends

Oh ok. I get it.
Yeah. It’s been driving me insane.
I need my license for work. Criminal record would fuck everything for me.
No funds…no Class A mechanics license this year.

I was thinking of asking my lawyer…but fuck. how much more money will that cost?

You will more than likely have to take the stand. Since it is a criminal proceeding, it’s fair game. If you take the stand for an examination-in-chief, you will be cross examined. None of us know what your lawyers game plan is. I would hope that if your lawyer is planning on you taking the stand to reaffirm your case., that your lawyer will prepare you for the bs the crown will ask of you, and make sure to keep the crown in check.

Let us know the details. Seeing the cop is one thing, hearing how one sided his testimony, evidence, and police log is gonna be the thing that tests your demeanor. Cops are trained to log in such a way that supports their side and forgets about yours,. It’s not neutral by any means. You’ve come way too far to lose to their game.

I feel the psychological pressure as well. It’s all mentally testing. I too am sick-to-my-stomach nervous to stand before a judge that will determine my fate, and may affect my ability to earn coin and eat. At the same time, there will be the pressure from the officer as well, and it’s not easy when your worse enemy is looking over at you like he’s got you, while the judge analyzes your reactions and demeanor throughout the whole thing.

Stand strong . You’re fighting for all of us that are unjustly tried.

Hey, I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic but do not wear something like that. Wearing some decent dress pants, shirt, and shoes might actually make the difference between you winning and losing. And since it seems like you’re already guilty until proven innocent, you have nothing to lose.

All that stuff will cost you like $50 - $80 at Walmart, or just go to Value Village!