my rant !!!! please read

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Well farmer that sucks to hear, i know the stuff that my friend had got from you, like the clutch is being used. As for people stealing from you…they should be slapped. thats not good at all, i dont know how people can do that when coming to your place.

anways i still want a cage. and i hope you enjoy the tv i gave you for free :slight_smile:

It realy sucks to feel taken for a ride man i hope everyone had good reason other then the theft I hope you get a chance to “resolve” that one for your self man

I also feel son240sx has been on a downhill slide maybe its time to take a page from ziptied and screen and vote people in based on maturaty and what they might bring to the comunity not take from it.

my 2 cents for what they are worth

++1 for the ban stick

This tread alone shows the immaturity and dis respect on SON, in a matter of like 3 posts regarding theft, the thread bursts into racism, bashing etc, good on martino for stepping up, that kind of situation is not good for anyone, but as for the people who stole… get your act together, if your using SON as a forum for theft GTFO

son has many theives . only few were banned. i hope we ban more. to warn the community. i cant believe ppl steal from farmer -__- thats just nuts

sorry to hear that farmer

while on behalf of son thank you farmer ive never met you but some members i know no you so thank you and im sorry to here that people are stealing from you on top of making a profit. if you need any muscle us ptbo guys will come help you out

Farmer is a great guy. I met him with Ted ONCE (I never went to him when he was giving away free parts) and the NEXT TIME I met him, he was willing to help me out when I was in a rut, PLUS help me with other shit.

Again, for FREE, not one cent (shit, I still owe you a 24 Brian, it’s coming! =P)

To be fair (as a neutral party), when the SR was picked up, no-one had any discussion as for what the block was being used for, and Farmer didn’t disclaim that he wouldn’t want it resold (again to be fair, sometimes this goes without saying). <— This is all AFAIK, these aren’t solid facts.

That’s the only story I know. All these other parts being flipped, I’m not sure of the intent of these individuals, but again, to be fair - once the object is in someone elses hands, it’s their right to do with it what they please. For things like that, I don’t believe a ban is appropriate, as those members (if their names are released) will have a bad rep.

Someone mentioned how you can expect this from SON members. I’d like to elaborate on that and say you can expect that from the entire human race. Get used to it, people suck. The world is a shitfest and we’re all just living in it. Shit happens.

Back to Farmer - his intentions were nothing but great, and he’s lost LOTS of potential money helping everyone out. He SHOULD be pissed. I don’t really blame him at all.

When I read the new classified rules thread they make you read today, I whole heartedly agreed. Everytime someone talks to me about SON, I say it’s a daycare. I come on for threads like this and some cool videos and parts being sold/bought and the fact my friends are on here. Otherwise, no offense - SON is one of the bottom few Canadian enthusiast forums.

I’ve ranted enough, I’ve got one more thing to say - Whoever stole shit from someone trying to help you: You’re a fucking scumbag (not Martino, I know that whole story - he was in a shitty place at a shitty time and had no choice. His future, ANYONE’s future such as school etc, > an SR block)

… So you’re saying it’s ok that they did it? That’s basically what it sums up to out of your post.

People are shitty, so it’s ok that they took free shit from him with the express purpose of making a buck off it? That’s a good attitude. Gee, I wonder why the world is turning to shit.

What the fuck ever happened to helping thy neighbour? People who think only of themselves are small, shallow, little people who I hope Karma kicks in the nuts on a regular basis. (last part not directed at jpod, just a general rant)

Simple misunderstanding, but again - typical SON attitude: I read it this way, which means that’s EXACTLY what you meant.

However I can see where you misunderstood.

The point you’re pointing out is me saying that you have to expect people you don’t know will take shit. The last part of my post says that whoever stole the shit is a scumbag. Doesn’t make it right.

I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying that although Farmer should be pissed, it goes without saying that PEOPLE STEAL. All consequences brought by SON or Farmer himself have merit.

Also, you’re taking my point on people stealing and my point on people flipping shit and combining it into one. Martino’s story, though the same IDEA, took on a whole new face when he also sacrificed his OWN plans for the SR in order to keep himself in school. If you look down on that, go ahead. But I think people’s schooling is more important than e-drama. AS I SAID IN THE POST - I’m not sure what the other people who flipped shit had as their intent SO I WON’T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

If you misunderstand something I say, please don’t immediately make me look like an idiot by the way you word things. Simply say: I don’t quite understand, you’re saying _________________ but you’re also saying ____________. Please clarify?

Pot to kettle, you are black, over.

The fact that this thread has turned into what it has, is a perfect example of what SON has become over the last year and a half.

I’m not on zilvia, well i am but i’m inactive. Whats all this i hear about screening and voting in members? That sounds like a pretty good system.

I’d like to consider a referral system, where new members have to be referred by current ones in good standing.

But i think that would make SON too closed. And with the rate at which 240s are changing hands nowadays i think that’d hurt the 240 community moreso.

Great Guy, went the distance to take 4-5 trips to his barn to look for a distributor for me. Bad people… I just guess its time to stop giving out free stuff… Obviously there is no appreciation, or respect involved from the people on the receiving end.

How can you justify the actions of those involved?
Stealing exists, but why keep it amongst this community.
How are we benefiting from that?
Where are your free F/S threads?

Play his role, let me steal your car and tell you to accept it , shit happens.

I think the only point he was trying to make was that once the part that was given away enters someone else’s hands they have the freedom to do what they wish with said part. Because they chose to ask for money for something that was given away for free is their decision. I don’t think he was justifying it, just pointing that out…

I was referring to his comment on accepting the situation at hand , stealing.

Flipping is acceptable, everyone does it. Respect to martino for stepping up

^ honestly about stealing, he’s right about NOT having to expect stealing from SON or this kind of shit in this community, everyone shouldn’t be painted by the same brush…don’t make the good ones look bad for those that say SON is just that. There is assholes in every community, car club, forum, etc… I think that’s what he means by shit happens, but still we need to bring these kids to justice whoever stole from this dude.

There are amazing people here, with good morals and respect for each other, not to mention the things many do for one another, for example Farmer in this case, even though I don’t know him, the people can provide a good background. Everyone knows there has been a time or will be a time in the future when someone who is a PART of the SON community will be a good apple amongst the random bad ones.

So…it also upsets me hearing a few that say, you should EXPECT this kind of crap from SON. You can expect it from many other places too(REALITY CHECK), BUT it’s unacceptable and naming out, banning these kind of people is worth it!

I think people are missing the point here:

You gotta think about the guy who bought the motor. How do you think hes gunna feel as soon as he finds out martino got this motor for free? IMO i’d be upset and felt taken advantage of.

I do realize that people come into situations where money is needed and fast. However, I dont think this is one of them. Its February guys, School started in September. Theyre’s plenty of ways of getting around school expenses (e.g OSAP). These resources are available to students because unfortunately Martino, there are people in the same situation as you.
Shit, I owe $2k+ to U of T and im seasonally unemployed until mid-March but I dont have to pay that off for a while. I realized that I may need some money because of my expenses (internet, cell, car, misc. exp etc) and took care of it before it became an issue.

This is easily avoidable guys.

Martino, I think you should have gave the head or whatever you got for free to the dude that needed it as well. How do you know he wasn’t tight for money but needed it to get his car running so he could go to work?

If someone helps you, you should help others especially if you don’t plan on using it and got it for free.

Just like how I gave you my KA for free cause I knew you NEEDED it.

Not trying to bust your chops but these things you should learn, or in the future if your car breaks down at the track no one will be willing to help because of these past incidents. Just my 2 cents.