WTF are you smoking dude? Seriously.

A 302 can’t take much power? Dude. Wow…jsut wow.

Do you actually know anything about Mustangs? Or are you basing this on some dude that blew his shit up?

You’ve been to the strip many times, how many fox bodies are there out there KILLING IT??

I’ve owned two Fox body Mustangs and I beat the shit out of those things with no issue. I used to run at the street races with all the J&P guys before the split and I’d really like to know how you make a claim saying 302 or variations of the the motor are “shit.” How are you even insuation that they can’t take power??? I believe that Joe Silva held the record for quite some time with a 302 block. His Pro 5.0 car is the reiging King and has been for how many years? Ask him if they are “shit.”

Dude, I’m really at a loss to respond to that post.

Sure. big LS’s make big jam, they’re also big money. The 302 can play catch up with a little massaging.