Need some help


byroll01 would be someone you want “on your side” if you’re a Subaru owner in upstate NY. He’s a very knowledgeable gentleman and knows his shit inside and out, many-a-Subie owner have come to the great Byron for advice and assistance, I’ve seen it myself :lol


skateshelter is g00d peoplez, maybe just jumps to conclusions too quickly. I dunno what his deal was with the auto X but hopefully myself/caz/dkid can convince him to give it another shot

Can’t we all be friends? :hug


byroll01 would be someone you want “on your side” if you’re a Subaru owner in upstate NY. He’s a very knowledgeable gentleman and knows his shit inside and out, many-a-Subie owner have come to the great Byron for advice and assistance, I’ve seen it myself :lol


skateshelter is g00d peoplez, maybe just jumps to conclusions too quickly. I dunno what his deal was with the auto X but hopefully myself/caz/dkid can convince him to give it another shot

Can’t we all be friends? :hug

oh wow… a cross-forum battle? I like where this is headed :slight_smile: someone link me to the anti-shift thread plz.,7214.90.html

oh, no reason I guess…

Don’t hate on UNYSOC from what this kid says. We are a peaceful bunch and he just came in and disturbed the peace with anger and flaming comments. I wouldnt put too much trust in him on your side either. This is his first post on OUR forum:,7056.msg83941.html#msg83941

and it included that little remark

I have no greif with your forum, just with this kid.

Yes I signed up just to say this… Sorry

and his for sale thread is hardly a “hate on shift” dedicated thread
sure, there are comments about it, just like there are comments about unysoc in this thread…unfortunately he’s a good representation of what we see from members of this site. look at what it turned into with people from here signing up over there to make one post to defend a guy who’s trying to sell off his car to unsuspecting fellow forum members. like someone said, odd that he didn’t try selling it here if everyone is so sure the car is now in top top shape, eh?

meh, I read threw the whole thread over there. I didn’t really see anything derogatory towards shift worth getting all riled up about. Man OP really came across like a super douche over there… anyway… welcome man!!

Byron smells like ass cheese…Just saying

This thread is a prime example why you don’t buy molested cars off kids.

Anytime you buy a car with mods, take into consideration the car at some point or another was beat on.

:excited:rofl thank you Wayne, glad some people here are starting to see that, rather than just blindly supporting a guy just because he’s on their forum :clap


I don’t understand the whole " this car was never beat on" sale ads. Thats like thinking your GF has never been fucked before. Don’t be DUMB people. I have no problem saying I run the ever loving piss out of my car. BUT there is a difference between just beating the shit out of a car and running it to it’s capability while also taking care of it meticulously.

When my cars goes up for sale it will be listed as such. Will provide 1/4 mile slips and dyno sheets for proof. As a buyer, it’d be nice to know the car doesn’t have any issues and will stand up to being run hard. Other than being dirty all the time, my car is mechanically perfect, and I’m way more anal about it than i need to be. LOL

i know how they work i ask a question about cars and the fuckin dude tells me to stay out of his thread?

She said she was a virgin! I swear!

i think skate has something shoved up his twat cuz all i asked is somethin about my car and he flipped and said to stay off his thread… what a women. this is a car related forum website is it not?

yes, your question had nothing to do with this thread though

:lol Jettakid, you should of made an introduction thread and asked your question in there.

wellllllllllllllll its not a soft spot .its kinda hard lololol

Come on dude… Srsly??? You posted a question about friggen wheels in a thread that had to do with an STI… You could of started a new thread to ask that question, or googled it. don’t be a dumbass…

Um… I asked “why hate” to be a dickbag… I like to cause trouble and fornicate with large breasted women. That is all.
