Need some help

Ok DIRTbag. I did not legitamtely wanna hear about it. Go lick your mothers roast beef vag brah

opinions are like assholes… you know the rest…:thumbup

I literally burst out laughing

yep… thats fine man… you can call me whatever you want.

aint gonna affect the fact i know 100x more about whats going on with op’s car than you and telling him to bring it to synapse was ur #1 fail. you’re talking out your ass.

vouching for stallmers girl here. shes very cute and super nice. i believe now is a good time to shut your mouth.

I state facts not opinions :number1

OP go buy or borrow a tester to check for combustion gasses in the coolant. easy and fast.

yes headgaskets are super common on like all subaru motors.

Got you good you fucker!

i never finished the sentence… you guys filled in whatever you wanted after the dots :wink:

stallmer needs to know when to shut his fuckin mouth. just cuz he’s owned every honda in the fuckin capital district (twice) doesnt mean he has any fucking clue whats going on with the OP’s car. like i said i have NOTHING against synapse but ive mentioned numerous times to get ahold of boxersix as he is most DEF the man for the job.

negative sir. you posted an opinion.

Damn Im hungry! All this talk about roast beef!!!

I’m pretty sure no one on this forum would take ANY of your advice that had logical reasoning.

Nope I have valid evidence that has been tested to back my statement so please try again

just drop it. and i agree on the boxersix deal. if i was going to bring any of cars anywhere for anything, it would be to him. That being said, I don’t see why any reputable shop would have a problem diagnosing / fixing this. Synapse should have said coolant analyzer, and if it’s headgaskets they are cake.

guess you need some brains too then.

You bash synapse like you know what your talking about. You owned a Subaru once blew it up a shit ton of times, and never did your own work on your car. You don’t know shit.

dropping the stallmer deal… i get riled easily… ANYWAYS…

yes boxersix should be the one to look at it… synapse SHOULD be able to repair/diag it, however, i PERSONALLY would feel more comfortable with adam working on it over synapse.

i disagree on the headgaskets being cake as the motor needs to come out however the job can be done with knowledge by the backyard mechanic in ~7hrs assuming the heads/block dont need to be decked.

I need brains? I’m not the stupid mother fucker that completely ruined his credit and lived with his mom and dad until I was 27 tough guy.

I don’t give a shit how much you think you know about cars. You’re a complete waste of life. You’ve fucked people over countless times and you contribute nothing positive to this forum.

Yeh seriously, He had an sti that what blew up, then was built and only went what 113?, and then burned to the ground. Sounds like he knows everything about theses POS. Oh yeh fuel injector cleaner will solve all your problems :rofl

Failvis is it hard to see the computer with Boxersix’s dick in your mouth?