New Clutch slave cylinder not working

I just Instaled a new slave cylinder on my 91 stealth, all the lines are hooked up fluid is in the system but the pedel just goes to the floor and stays there, the fluid feels like it is going into the cyilender an the coming right back out, No pressure and no return, I,ve never worked on a hydralic clutch system before and I’m clueless, Is there somthin I missed ?


Yeah Tried that first, didnt work too well

What didnt work to well? DO you know how to bleed a clutch?

takes 2 people to bleed a clutch

Yeah, but tell me how it should be done.

No shit. BUt actually it does not on a honda. I bleed my clutch by myself on my Del sol from the slave by pushing the fork in and out and then bleeding it.Its just like brakes, pump, pump hold, open, close, repeat. Or you can get a vacum bleeder and do it your self.

Well its kinda hard to pump or hold when the pedle goes to the floor and stays there

Get a vacum bleeder then.

What the hell is that

Bro, do some research. Its a hand pump that sucks all teh air out of the line.

So your old slave cylinder was sticking afterall?

No, I’m betting he still has a bad clutch. He had another post over on ubrf about the clutch failing to disengage. It sounds like he bought someone elses problem when he bought this car.

Bleeding a clutch system is a little more complicated than brakes. First off, never pump the clutch. All you’ll do is get tons of little air bubbles in the system and you’ll never get them out.

Now, you can take my advice in this first post, or you can ignore it, but don’t keep asking the same question over and over. I’m not going to repeat it 14 times like I did in your clutch thread. :slight_smile: Regardless of what other people tell you about how to bleed it, know that I have successfully done a Fiero hydraulic clutch a FEW times, and like most systems on a Fiero they are notorious for being a huge pain in the ass.

  1. Find some hose that is the right size to slip over the nipple on the bleeder and put it into a catch can with enough brake fluid in it so the other end of the hose is always submerged in brake fluid. If you skip this you’re always going to end up with a little bit of air being drawn back into the slave.

  2. Fill reservior, open bleeder, push in clutch pedal (SLOWLY!), close bleeder, let up clutch pedal. If you can do this alone you have longer legs and arms than most humans. Do this a few times, fill reservior again since it’s probably very small and if it goes dry you just fucked yourself and have to start all over again.

  3. Repeat step 2 until no air bubbles can be seen coming out of the little contraption you made in step 1. If you’re lucky, all the air is out. If not there may still be a tiny amount trapped inside the slave, or as microbubbles in the line, and you’ll have to do this again in a day or so.

And I’ve never had luck with vacuum bleeders on clutch systems. Nor have many other people on the old Fiero board I went to when I had one, and that was where I found the successful way to do this as described above.

Thaks for the Info, I bleed it a few times ( apperantly the wrong way, according to JayS) and It got alot firmer but the is still the same shitty return on the pedle like before I started, I’m gonna try bleeding it the right way now.

Hey I tried ur system, It worked great, but how many times should I keep doing it I’ve done it like 15 times and I still get shit loads of air bubbles out every time.

[QUOTE=JayS] It sounds like he bought someone elses problem when he bought this car.

U have Know Idea, this thing has been trouble from Day 1, Huge POS, But i got to fix it too even sell it.

If you’re still getting air bubbles after doing it 15 times it must be drawing air into the system somewhere, or you’re letting the reservior get too low and it’s drawing air in there. Remember, the instant that gets low enough for a little air to be drawn in you then have to push that air bubble all the way through the system to get it out. Make sure it’s always full.

If it’s always full I’d start looking for leaks either in the line or around the master. No way you should have to bleed it that many times.

If it’s really binding as you push it in you make have some contaminates in there. A little bit of dirt will make the piston in the slave/master slide like crap. If that’s the case the only way to fix it is take the which ever one is binding apart, clean it out, and put it back together.

I dont think it is leaking anywhere, and after every bleed I poured a little fluid back in to compansate the air for new fluid, I the pedle is pretty firm and the slave arm looks like it is expanding good, but there is no return on the pedle, even worse than before.

You mean if you close the bleed valve and push the pedal down it doesn’t come back up?

It does but it comes up way to slowly to be right. and after being bleed it got better, but still isnt right, and and I’ve bleed it many times and it wont get any better that it is.