newest turbo sho video

too heavy


too FWD




too heavy




Is the tranny fixed?

i’ll let you know in 6 hours.




hahaha no. Not faster than Studderin.


hahaha no. Not faster than Studderin.


It will be soon.

sure about that?


hahaha no. Not faster than Studderin.




hahaha no. Not faster than Studderin.



wow… hehe

I’ll have a piece of this car then. :slight_smile:

and jesus christ, bumper has been on since before the freak snow storm last year

The vid that he posted has it off. I figured if he just posted a video…it wasnt gonna be from runs from last year. Since its old.

thread is 7+ months old already … feb 2nd :slight_smile:

shat, i still have to build that new front reinforcement …

So, whats it running at lancaster?

when i build antilag for it maybe ?

this car is great on the highway, decent at the 1/4 mile, but might as well be stock at the 1/8 …

“Somedude” brought this thread back to life with some links to the videos.




funny plate ideas

so did you guys get a tranny to stay together or do you have a few spares?



looking like one of the tranny probs was actualy a bad solonoid / wire

with the solonoid control harness disconnected, it stops doing the grinding noise / surging wheel speed thing it was doing. doing this puts the engine into limp home mode, and puts the tranny straight into second gear. im thinking the bad solonoid / wiring makes the tranny try to select 2 gears at once, causing the sound / surging

theres only one complete transmission, which is now assembeled using the “wrong” case due to the “right case” having planetary teeth marks and apparently no available end play in the differential section … the diff was actualy holding the retaining plate out, making the snap ring a pain to get in … if we had ran it im sure the bearings would have gone to hell, especialy after everything heated up and expanded

at least w/ the “wrong case” the snap ring drops in with a slight bit of room to spare