Ninety1two40's 240sx

:rofl I bet!

Did you see big foot running around by you? It jumped us by the ambulance garage :lol

I heard about that! Tell him to be careful around my house, I gotta itchy trigger finger!

lmao @ buford, and yea wtf was a sasquatch doing in duanesburg??? i saw party lights go by us towards the elem school…

Yeah some crazy shit was going down, that is for sure!

seen you guys yesterday while i was on my badass mower! lol. steve your face was priceless.

haha I was laughing my ass off because your mower was jumping/hopping all over the place. You were barely hanging on to that thing :rofl


why so rage

why so homosexual benny?

I let him drive the 240 and now he wants a faster car :lol

bahahaha it’s juiced baby!

no for real when i mow the ditch i gotta hang off the side or she’ll flip! bahahah makes for interesting looks from traffic.

The only homosexual tendencies I have are towards your brother.

I just can’t help myself, sorry I don’t show you the same attention but you don’t have to be spiteful about it. He’s the prettier one, sorry.

his brother does LOVE the cock.

:lol great now my build thread has this dick taste in it

Better than my dick tone car

oh PS you guys can totally come help me work on it like anytime.

bring tools.

and a hoist.


i can’t even work on cars… ask steve.

Yeah don’t trust this guy^ all he can do is plumb oil lines. Actually it’s been so long since he did that he probably forgot how :eek

What do you need to do to get your car ready Benny? The whole motor swap still? I can help, let me know when. Just let me help Jon get his Cutty going first.

Basically I still need to:

Do everything.

I have the suspension out and most of the wiring harness for the motor ready to come out.

I don’t have a hoist, I can probably borrow one.

I still need to pull everything out of the 318 too. But I’m going to do that once everything’s actually ready to go in.

:lol good start

Let me know when your working on it. Shit has to be done for Aug 14th.