I agree. We shouldn’t respect/look up to people based on occupation.
We should respect people for who they are and not ridicule them for who they are or what they believe. Some of you on here could learn that lesson. Instead, you choose to be pricks to me, PJB, and others. Yeah yeah, it’s all jokes online and none of you are like that in person. That’s bullshit. That’s a lame excuse for being able to be an asshole to someone online.
This was not directed at you Chris. General post. And I’m sure there will be 30 posts after this telling me I’m gay, a bible thumper, etc. etc. Knock yourself out kids.
If you choose a job just for respect then you got some issues. You shouldnt have to look up to cops if you wish not to. They are simply doing their job just like every one else.
I’m not condemning anyone. That is not my job. But doesn’t change what I said: that he MAY (we don’t know yet) have been driving recklessly. That’s all I’m saying.
They (Coast Guard) served during Desert Storm. Even I know that.
This is because people are voicing their opinions on things that I strongly disagree with. I didn’t say anything insulting nor inconsiderate towards the officer in the OP, it was more to argue with what someone else on here said.
It’s a post on a car forum, not a wake/funeral. I said a prayer for the guy and wished his family well, there’s not much else we can do at this point.
i gave my respects. you are the one who constantly persues an arguement about anything. you really need to take a look at yourself. asre you even a citizen yet? serious question
you live by them dont you, scum bag. yeah i said it.
im sure you couldnt care any less, but for what this is worth you just lost any and all hope of gaining ANY type of respect from me. penile dysfunction or not.
I respect people who do their job the way it should be done. I hold no more respect for a trooper then I would a doctor, a nurse a garbage man. They are all doing what they get paid to do imagine that.