OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


bet ya dont want to see that on this shitty camera

haha those were a nice pair of goals

lol at ray

i cant believe noone caught that and posted here. thats twice for ray tonight getting choked up by the hockey sluts. lol his face was priceless!!!

i just rewound the dvr, he was totally checking the sluts! Awesome

live streaming… check it out!

he was pushed in wtf

ok i dunno wtf to think
ROFL NICE, the fans are gonna FLIP


you said it dude, that was a crazy hard earned goal.

Isles played way hard tonight… Gotta give them huge credit… Blake, Yashin, Smyth…

Sillinger too…

3-1 coming home. Should be insane at the arena Friday night.

got my tix, mua-hahahha.


I told an Islanders fan to go fuck himself tonight at the bar


Anyone watching the Teddy Nolan press conference?

Someone better call the WAAAAAAAAmbulance for him pretty quick.

Rule 69.6 > Islanders

Yay for the win.

But I don’t get the same feeling when I watch this years playoff team as I did last year. Maybe it was just the last 2 road games, but I don’t see the intensity, or the same desperation. I also see too many poor giveaways and players not being on the same page as each other.

you’ll change your mind when we run into a goalie who isnt as dominant as di

Eh, Ricky gave up some big rebounds tonite and made some HORRIBLE decisions puckhandling and was lucky he didn’t get burned, many times.

Looking down the line, there are much tougher matchups. ANd like I’ve said, the shots have been mostly straightforward shots. Not much lateral movement. Get him moving side to side more and if he makes those saves consistantly, then I’ll give him much more credit. Until then, I don’t see him as any better than Miller.

I just don’t see the same skating and intensity out of the Sabres this year as I did last year.