OMG Bike Crash Is Everyone OK? *2018* (Count = ?)

I’m sorry that you lost your friend. It sucks, I know.

But who was making derogatory/rude/disrespectful comments?

I’m sorry you lost your friend, I met him a few times and he was a nice kid. I’m sorry for his family.

However, not to sound like a total asshole, but if the news is right and he was splitting traffic, speeding down transit rd, driving in the center lane and driving like a asshole in general. Then this was 100% avoidable and I can’t feel that bad for him. I feel bad a life was lost and it was your friend, but it sounds like it absolutely coulda been prevented.

I was just relaying what I was told. Maybe it was a different crash. I wasnt trying to be mean or nasty.

Bottom line to me here is we lost a member. I’m not gonna argue about the circumstances, it just sucks to see someone from this community go down. RIP Fontaine23, never knew him, but that doesn’t change the fact that I feel terrible for his family and anyone on here that knew him. Such a huge shame…


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Chris never caused the wreck, there was no swerve or contact the mustang kid just lost it. Chris went to jail. This old man literally hit a guy on a bike killing him and only received a ticket. Seems right?! I don’t care how old you are, you should be responsible for your actions.

Really sucks we lost a member. :frowning:

Let’s worry about arguing about things later and just respect the fact that a young man has lost his life and for those that knew him will never be the same.

I couldn’t imagine losing a son. Hopefully I’ll never be in this predicament. RIP man.

it’s pretty shitty this happened and it’s pretty shitty we’re arguing about this.
i knew the report was going to be some shithole article like it always is involving motorcycles as soon as they said “two very powerful motorcycles, known and crotch rockets came thundering down transit” Get out of here with that bullshit

Everyone knows someone that has died or been injured on a motorcycle.
RIP, sorry for those left behind. All the people I know that have died would never try to talk someone out of it.

When I’m driving I judge bikers within a 1/4mile.
the decisions people make are amazing sometimes.

I miss riding. 2 wheels is the best. just the other day on a bicycle,my face almost met the side
of a flat bed truck. He came up from behind and I did not see a turn signal, so why would I expect him to make the turn just before I was going to cross the street.

The fact is, everyone has had shitty days and made mistakes while driving.
99.9% of the time, we get away with it.

Eric was cut off by a vehicle and swerved to the middle lane to avoid that car. As he avoided the first car, another car pulled out of uhaul and he had no time to react to the 2nd car. He did the right thing having a plan to avoid an asshole driver, but the 2nd driver was an old man who clearly didn’t see him trying to avoid a wreck causing him to t-bone the Chrysler. That’s the true story. Rip buddy, you’ll be missed.

Another crash tonight on the news.

Yea we all need to respect a hell of a person that lost his life. Also,among others recently… Its not just the sportbike thing,its 2 wheels in general. It always can go both ways…bikes are not sometimes easily seen because of they’re size and people like to ride them swiftly and elusively.

But if we can learn as much as possible about a little more respect on the road wether driving in a car or riding, maybe a wreck can be prevented. Maybe Eric could of came home last night

The news always makes everyone out to be worse then them, that’s how the media works, they get paid to look like fucking idots. One reason I hate the news alot, I still am baffled that there was an argument about this, that’s really shitty and makes this community look horrible when were suppose to look out for each other.

I saw an idiot today that I can almost guarantee will bump this total before the end of the season. First he went past me doing 80+ on the 290 in heavy traffic that was all going 60ish. Then a little while later as I’m changing lanes on Delaware with the boat in tow I almost clipped him. I was doing 5 over the speed limit and my mirror and blindspot was clear when I signaled and started moving over. Next thing I hear is his engine rev as he shot around me into median, jam his brakes, then turn into a plaza. I’m guessing he ignored my signal lights and tore up along side just as I started getting over.

If you want to turn yourself into a greasy spot on the pavement be my guest, but I’d prefer if you wouldn’t get me involved.

I can’t even count how many times this happens to me over the course of a summer.

One right now on the 290. It’s a cruiser bike,younger guy. He was talking but his leg is pretty mangled

Considering it was a crash on an expressway he was fairly lucky.

another down … military rd and hinman about an hour or soo … blue r1 or r6

Some old lady leaving church this morning on Colvin almost blasted me. I’m in the right lane, she turns left from church not into the left lane but right into the right lane without looking. Thankfully I was paying attention and riding like an adult if not I would’ve got clipped.