Not legally allowed to say more but, there was more to it than that. Definitely didn’t fall under the “stupidity” category.;topicseen#new
Friend of mine was killed tonight in Niagara county. Not a good year for young kids on bikes. He was 20 and had an r6 for a few months as his first bike.
Sorry to hear that.
News story on this one. Sorry about your friend.
I stand by my quote before that I have a hard time feeling bad-- ride a motorcycle and something bad is bound to happen. Its a risk you take. People are being killed on a daily basis it seems and I still hear motorcycles on an hourly basis driving wrecklessly in the distance on the thruway.
My partner at work sold him the bike and is taking it worse than me…blaming himself for “knowing that was too fast of a bike for him”. He just graduated basic training in the Air force and and was an active member of the fire department.
Here’s a better article
All the recent ones appear to be operator error…why cant guys just ride like a normal person
Because powerful bikes, the immortality complex of youth and inexperienced operators are a horrible combination.
I was heading East bound on Seneca St sitting at the light at Orchard Park Road last week. A pack of riders; three sport bikes (1 tandem rider) and one cruiser, where heading northbound on OP. They where reving and beeping their horns sitting waiting for the advanced green to end. They got the green and the first two bike went…about halfway through the intersection the inside bike did the Left/Right check then goosed the throttle to ride out a…200(?) foot wheelie. Now if any of you know where this is there is a rather quick but soft Left turn in that area. He obviously knew it was there because he settled the bike down just in time but had to react to make the turn around 70-80…(another total guess. I know they move quick).
This guy knew what he was doing. But, it was just. Stupid.
New bikes should come out with systems like the GTR, unable to get full potential out of the bike until it GPS’s that you are on a track.
I’m against ‘big brother’ tech in cars and bikes, but I am absolutely for more rigorious testing and training before operating a vehicle, especially bikes.
A 16 question quiz at the DMV with your smart phone in hand is all you currently need to legally get on a bike nowadays (albeit with another licesnsed operator.) That’s just silly.
Right around the time I turned 18 is when everyone I know started riding. Most everyone got on sport bikes and most of them have been incident fee and still ride today. I can honestly say I almost find it comical that the few whove had to put bikes down, or further, suffered serious injuries, all had questionable personalities to begin with. And by questionable personalities I mean toeing the fine line between utter douchebag and impulsive morons.
You honestly should have to pass a psychological evaluation before being licensed unless youre cool with this being another form of natural selection.
I mean that with no disrespect to those whove lost someone riding nor to those who continuously ride responsibly. I personally just hear too many postmortem tales of douchbagerry to think all of these guys should have been on a bike to begin with. Lawd knows we all do dumb shit when were young but why is the lack of second chances on a bike is so commonly ignored?
The Bikes don’t need to be changed, the riders do.
msf was the best thing I ever did on a bike.
I love this New York/ American mentality of blaming and inanimate object for the actions of a person. What ever happened to that old mentality accountability for ones own actions?
NYS should ban all fast cars, trucks, motorcycles, sugary substances, smoking, drinking, laughing, farting in public, and jerking off.
My jerking off thing went off…