One Thing I Have Noticed For The Short Time I Have Been On The Scene

Everyone seems to be at war with each other. The shops are at war with each other. You go to one and hear them say something about one, and then don’t see it when you are there. You hear something about one shop at a meet, see it when things go a bit wrong and see things change after someone else talks. Getting the straight truth is damn near impossible because nobody gives a straight answer. It’s confusing as all fucking he’ll, the bullshit is enough to make a dude sell his car.

Go to a meet, see good dudes, and then when backs are turned people are shit talking someone they were just slapping hands with. It’s like the majority of the people are wearing masks, and/or caught up in some rivalry. It’s ridiculous.

It’s not cut throat in this scene, it’s beheading. These are just my observations. I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore. The bs is overwhelming.

welcome to son240 get used to it , it wont get much better


I hear the shit everyday, not only in Nissan community.

Its the world of competitive business.
Heck, walk into a car dealer to buy a new car, mention that another dealer offered XXXX and the sales guy will start talking shit about that other dealership.EVEN IF ITS THE SAME OWNERS LOCATION !

Its unfortunate, but its the way some ppl choose to do business.

great attitude… “get used to it” :rolleyes:

no, don’t get used to it.

there are lots of good people on this site, in the club, and in the community at large. just gotta find them and restrict your dealings to those respectable and decent members.

i can’t count how many times i’ve been helped by people in this club, whether it was for advice or for a part hookup.

and OF COURSE there are idiots, noobs, wannabes, jackasses, liars and scammers.

that’s what happens when you have the biggest S chassis marketplace in the country. bad seeds are bound to appear. wherever you have a sizable marketplace, you will have shady characters.

there will always be people who use the club for personal gain and who give nothing back.

rather than get used to it, though, we try to improve the scene. how many times have we, the SON240 community, exposed scammers, liars, thieves etc…

do your homework before buying anything and use the power of the community to get help when you need it.

like varun said, it’s an extension of every day life. you have your good people and your bad people in every walk of life and every sector of business.

just gotta pick your friends wisely.

It’s not just a business thing. It trickles down to the meets, and it’s the stupidest little things a dude may get shit talked for like a part choice., or a preference. I figured people would meet in the middle out of a love for cars. Everyone I have met I have tries to meet in that middle, but now I am starting to realize there hardly is a middle.

I guess it is something you don’t see until you are in it. Like the nice white picker fence on the outside with a dysfunctional family on the inside. That’s what SON
and the S chasis community feels like.

I am going to every meet I can to find out what is good and bad. It’s hard and it’ll take time for sure.

man thrives on competition.
everybody wants them selfs to be better/look better/ have better.
its the world.

fuck 240s, fuck cars ,go get some pussy and shut the fuck up, cuz in all reality , that really is the end result for most things in life, people being backstabbing peices of shit is not a 240sx thing , its a relizing that everyone does it thing, so fuck it , get pussy, do work , get money , find girl, get pussy, dudes are gay anyways, stop meeting dudes

^^ haha, I like it.

That’s a whole different world of drama lol. I can’t say fuck it to the things I love. I love driving too much, can’t change that for anyone including myself. I always wanted to be a pro racer but wasn’t born into $$$$$ like most pros were. Maybe if I get the racing out of me, I can turn my back on it.

Feint, I have notice the very same thing you are talking about.It isn’t just a car thing though, it’s life thing!.There’s always gonna be assholes that want to ruin things for the good guys.

One thing that bothers me the most is all the old schoolers that act like your a wannabe just because you haven’t been in the scene as long as they have.
“NEWS FLASH” you were here once as well!!!
I do not want to start anything just stating a fact

This is pretty much what I wanted to say earlier but I thought it may be too harsh.

Stop whining, deal with it. Do what you gotta do that’s it.

that prety much sums it up. do ur homework and im sure youll be fine


Homework??? Fuck man. I already have enough assignments due next week…ugh.

People talk behind you’re back because you’re ahead of them. Just remember, once you’re ahead you’re alone.

go roll/smoke a blunt and forget about it

its not like that with everyone i mett varun the other day and i talked about his prices compared to someone else`s he just said thats there desicion no cutting up at all just depends on who you talk to

Facebook regurgitation…Keezy I expect more from you.

who cares what some punks at a meet say…slap them in the face or laugh at them or do both…done

I have actually seen the very opposite, business wise anyway.

There are several competing businesses on here and as far as I know everyone gets along well.

I as well as others have been at this a long time before being on these boards and know business relies on haveing a good name.

As far as individules go, choose your friends, don’t get involved in the drama

Life is short, make the most of it. Treat others the way you want to be treated