Overfilled Oil?

My car was wayyyyyyyyy overfilled by whoever the previous owner was. Like 2+ inches past the full mark.

I have not noticed any driveability problems, and have never had any experience with over-filled oil. It’s VERY clean oil, so I know that it is newer and fresh.

Should I be getting my ass under the car and draining some out, or should I just leave it. Is there any risk of damage from overfilled oil?

drain it.

I only puts air bubbles in your oil…im sure thats good :wink:

overfilling it could have blown out some seals, but either way i wouldn’t keep driving around no it like that , gotta drain it eventually… you’ll probably be ok tho

That far overfilled is bad.

But I guess my question is are you sure it’s overfilled? Is it the right dipstick?

Well, it is def. the oil dipstick, and this car is stock as could be.

I don’t think any seals are blown as I am not leaking anything or burning anything.

I’ll drip some out though.

too overfilled and the crank will aerate the oil

I’m always very sceptical of previous owners, more so the more miles a car has.

If it was me, I’d drain it all, lookup how much should be in there, and add that amount. Then check the dipstick and make sure it’s reading full.

Lots of ways the original dipstick might have been lost. Who knows if the one in there is even the right length.

:word: Lots of risk for a low effort fix.


too overfilled and the crank will aerate the oil


At least someone put the right answer here, basically the crank with cause the oil to “froth” leading to inadequate lubrication, which will cause a lot of friction issues and premature wear to all rotating parts

I was told that if the oil is overfilled, it effects oil consumption or something. Am I correct?


I was told that if the oil is overfilled, it effects oil consumption or something. Am I correct?


fuel economy due to windage/drag but not consumption

either way its a big no no

+1 to JayS’ suggestion.

The “full” mark on the dipstick is there for a reason.

drain it/…

i bet some idiot at walmart did the last oil change, added oil twice, and didnt take the extra second to check the level.

def drain it all out and add the exact amount of oil and go from there. Jays suggestion could be true so you dont want to drain it to the full line.

edit: what kind of car is it? nissan dipsticks are funny if thats the make.

really look on the backside of the dipstick where the marking are not… but just picture the marking on the same spot on the backside…that will give you the best reading