Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

good deal. but dont lose too much. your one of those guys that look better w/ meat.

i dont do deadlifts…lol just gonna start doing squats again…i lift legs in the winter/fall and once summer comes and i start playing softball/hockey…i rest my legs and rarely lift legs. i cant afford to have them sore on game day lol

I really havent posted much in here lately but then again I havent had much to post about. My routine was boring as hell to read about but it did what I intended to do. So ill make some cliffs for ya.

In May, I was standing a mighty 5’4 and weighing about 205lbs. My bodyfat was in the mid to upper teens but I was as strong as I have ever been. I dont have specifics because I rarely max out on exercises. I have some ballpark figures so you can get an idea.

My big 3 exercises were as follows:
-I was deadlifting low 400s for 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps,
-Squats were pyramids with ending sets in the low to mid 400s
-Bench was 3-4 sets of 6-8 in the mid to heavy 200s.

I loved every minute of housing those huge numbers, for my size, but I missed my athleticism. I decided to make a change for the better. I adopted a much cleaner, lower calorie diet instead of focusing mainly on protein intake.

My exercise routine included very little resistence training in the gym.

I would exercise 4 to 5 times a week and most days were similar. The workouts were :
-Pull-ups (pronated and supinated grip),
-Push-ups(narrow, mid and wide)
-Ab and lowback work which i would change all the time.

I would then jog from my house to the montour trail then i would keep a steady pace and jog as far as I felt I wanted to go on the trail.

I know that what I was doing was very loose and lacking structure but thats just because I have been involved with this stuff for so long.

So, The Results: I lost about 30lbs. I know a portion was lean mass but that was expected. I lost alot of fat :):slight_smile: :):slight_smile:

Im currently weighing between 170-175lbs with 9ish percent body fat which was measured the middle of august. Im probably less than that now but I havent been measured. I can clearly see my abdominal and oblique muscles. I have some nice vascularity but not that damn vein down my bicep. haha.

anyway, for those of you guys that care, thats my update.

Im still not too sure of what my winter game plan is. I lost noticable mass in my upper body so I wouldnt mind putting that back on but staying lean. We will see how that goes though.


just hit a new personal best curl at the gym…185x4 on the flat bar…

Nice…back better have been straight biatch!!!

I hate straight bar curls…always get pain in my forearms. I use the e-z curl bar wide grip.

who does curls?

I hate doing curls, they are boring. Bi’s get enough with the back workout anyway. :smiley:

I think for a lot of people that is fine. Bi’s get hammered with rows and pull/chin ups…but I know for me to get my bi’s to grow I thow in 3-6 sets of curls per week.

I might be the only person here who trains for endurance :frowning:

Im running at 20-25 miles per week.
oliptical for 15 miles per week
Im doing alot of high reps low weights so I can still be flexible for hockey… alot of plyometrix.

I haven’t been to the gym in 2 months and I feel like a piece of shit.

Cool…everyone has their own thing. I would like to add some kind of plyometrix and running drills to my routine. Lifting weights only doesn’t keep you in total physical shape. Overall I want to look like a manchild and still be fast and agile.

endurance training is for pussies :D:D:D

anyone ever try the Crossfit training? http://www.crossfit.com/

looks like a decent workout

Shit, i havent bee nable to make it to the gym but 2 times if that a week for the past few months. Excavating owns me after the days over but when i do go i am still at my old weight and still up alot of routines surprisingly. Yet i havgent noticed any mass growth but i still keep getting stronger and not as cut as i want to be. Eh, ill prob get back into it this winter casue i am by no means a meathead like some on here with the lifting world…

Yeah I read up on it…looks like a well rounded way to train.

i’m hoping to get back into my leg workout again. i havent touched legs that much this summer due to playing softball and hockey…i just hate lifting legs anyway.

But i want to start that up and maybe get more into abs to cut me up alittle bit. i like where i’m at now but more definition would be awesome… but then again i just want to pack on lbs now since winter is here and its easier for me to gain weight. this summer put a hurting on my strength and weight and i’m just getting back to where i left off a while ago.

it was straight. i hate bad form…

i rarely do two arm bar curls because of the pain i get in my forearms…its like my bones are gonna break or something it fuckin hurts lol

just did shoulders at the gym today. went heavy on military presses, did 4/45lb. plates per side on smith machine for a good 4 reps. i want to get ready for the pittsburgh strongman in spring…

Fuck 4pps…thats some serious shoulder strength…fuck the smith machine tho. I prefer standing presses. I would like to rep with 225 by spring for standing shoulder presses.

thanks. i can go up to 455x4 if im feeling good. my goal is a 495x2 military press…

that is fuckin insane for a military press!!! i only do 155 for 6-7 standing. jeezus christ how does anyone lift 455 lbs over their head like that without breaking a back or something?