Pittspeed Fitness & Nutrition thread update:

i started eating better at the end of september. so lets see, that’s 25 lbs in 9 1/2 weeks which is about 2.63 lbs per week overall. now that i’m working out, i’m guessing that i can lose a little bit more than that per week.

i honestly have no idea what compound movements are considered. right now i am more focused on weight loss rather than building muscle. my thought is that once i lose the weight, then i can work on building a little bit of muscle.

so far i have stuck to the arc trainer to get my butt in shape. one of these day’s i’ll give the rowing machine a go as i remember back in highschool that thing worked like a champ. i have to stick to things that are low impact as my knees are pretty much completely shot.

if you have some suggestions as to other machines/etc that i should try out, by all means please let me know.

Compound movement is an exercise which involves several muscle groups at a time. For example Bench Press, Deadlift, Squat, Military Press, Rows, Pullups, Dips, lunges, ect. The more muscle groups you use the more effective your workout is gonna be, you will also burn more calories. Overall by doing some HIIT along with a solid weightlifting routine I think you can reach your goals a lot quicker. If you want I could write you up a fairly basic routine to get you started.

So I found this on craigslist…and I know theres quite a few of you guys that qualify…


Not sure why, but I’ll provide an update…

I hit a little bit of a wall with my weight for about 2 weeks and wasn’t really budging one way or another. During those two weeks I had let myself eat some things I shouldn’t have and missed a few days at the gym.

Now I’m back into the swing of things and doing much better. When I last posted, I was 211 lbs. I’m down to 207 lbs right now. Total of 29 lbs lost. My face looks thinner, my stomach is slowly going down, and my legs are no longer jiggling when I move. Eating oatmeal for breakfast and salad’s for lunch has helped out, but it’s a PITA.

Awesome…it is hard to go 100% all the time and there are times where you will get out of the swing of things. You just have to catch yourself and get back into it. It is good to have a partner to keep eachother in check.

So did you start a weight training routine yet?

I’m slowly switching away from the beer/pizza diet to the salad diet. It worked before. Still haven’t joined a gym again so that should hold back my progress until the new year.

sald diets are terrible for you. when you cut out out carbs that much and that quick, you put your body in a glycogen shock. it is used to operating at a certain level of sugars in the bloodstream, and now there are hardly any. when you stop the diet, the weight will come back on.

just monitor how clean your calories are, and switch to comlex carbs like sweet potatoes, wheat pasta, whole grain rice, etc. stay away from white pasta, bread, etc.

it will take a little longer to get the results you want, but they will stay with you longer. if you need any tips pm me.

My new year resolution is to get into shape. I know very little about fitness training and gym experience but have been reading up alot on it. Doe’s anyone know of a gymin the South Hills where they have a decent price for a monthly membership.

I go to LifeForce…it is decently priced and not that crowded. I paid $300/year…so $25/month but you had to pay the full $300 upfront. I never seen it, but there is a gym called Fitness 19 and i think they are $20/month in Caste Village. Also there is a gym opening this spring/summer in Centry 3 area where Burlington used to be…LA Fitness…it is supposed to be huge and have a ton of stuff like a pool, tennis, free weights, cardio, ect. If you sign up now it is like $35/month and when it opens it is $60/month…and your rates are fixed for life.

life force is a decent gym, the most appealing part about life force is their hours… I do believe they are still open till 11pm… and there open on most holidays… Nice gym good staff , and there really cheep!

I joined LA Fitness.

I just like it because it has racquetball :smiley:

I am at complete fitness by century 3 mall right now. It’s about 30/month and the people are very nice there.

I agree…staff is really cool…I don’t like how early they close on friday and sunday though…I think it is 8PM on friday and 6 on Sunday.

Do you go there? I am there @ like 8-9 PM on weekdays and various times on weekends.

I used to go there alot last semester because I was at ccac south and their hours were really good… generally 9:30-11pm… I went over the summer and what not also… I just mainly ran when I was there… I go the rivers club the normal gym I go to.

Thanks for the input guys. Have the number for LifeForce?

(412) 653-8633


The old Chuck E Cheese, thanks!

Never knew that

complete fitness is the old chuckie cheese. lifeforce is up in the curry shopping center by duffy’s beer…

I spoke with the LAFitness guy and he said it’s a $175 registration fee and 34.99/month for each person. Seems to be a very good deal to me.

Seems so…from what I have heard there has been a very high turnout for new members for that location…so i would expect the first 6 months or so that place to be packed…that of course depends on what time of the day you go there.