Please Help, Idiling prob

It should be pretty similar, I dont know what to tell ya since I havnt had to deal with an SR20DET first hand, But we are planning on getting some work done on the IACV’s once it warms up, if you need some help let us know.

im not 100% car smart but i was talking to my friend and he said you need to find the AIV and clean it thoroughly

he said on the 240 it should be a small little box and u need to scrape it clean till u seee the shiny metallic colour again

someone else reply to thi i dont want him dointg this if its going to fuck his car up

Ruzycki you could try that and it wont hurt the car just make sure you put it back together properly.

eureka! (is that how you spell it?)

i fixed the prob…turns out all you guys were right who told me just the throddle body needed cleaning…it still does it a little but bearly noticable to how it was before…

i didnt however take the throddle body out, i just sprayed the cleaner while revving…

anyway the car idles perfect 700 now…

thanks for all the help son’lings!

Cross your fingers Omar thats only a temp fix everytime I do it, it’ll go away for a few days and comes back twice as bad. Btw how much cleaner did you spray into it?.

not that much maybe like 15 % of the can

and keep in mind that yours is 93? maybe there is a lot more buildup of dirt in yours thats why it never worked permanently

Well the warm weather is kicking and hope it sticks around for a little longer because I bought all the things I need to clean this thing inside and out, hopefully I’ll have it all fineshed in the next few days now that I have some time off work.

i finally figured out my problem. the stupid injector 1 terminal needs to be replaced.

can someone take a pic of the iavc screw?

only sometimes, but when i start my 240 the idle goes up to 2200 then drops really fast to about 1000 then slowly clims back up to 22 then drops, sometimes it’s really fast and sometimes it’s really slow, if i dont let it had a fit and calm down, it will keep doing it everytime i stop driving. i.e pushing on the clutch, nuetral at light. what would cause this? the same thing you guys are talking about?