Police are becoming better equipped.

I wonder if there aloud to taunt you into racing than pull over :ponder

They are the police. They can do whatever they want. Especially to you youngins’.

ah yes this happened to me before, a white audi a4 tried to pull me over (flashing lights), guy flashed badge and i kept on driving the speed limit the whole way with him behind me, then on the side of me. Finally another cop pulled up (real car this time) and i pulled over, cop in the audi caught an attitude with me and i said “the car wasnt marked, what was i suppose to do” And he said "you should have pulled over, i can arrest you for eludeing(sp?) the police, blah blah… It was an albany cop, and it was 2yrs ago. He did have another car pulled over that night i saw too…unreal…

shawn: yes i agree with you, lets waste money on this crap when much more horrid things are going on…

He cannot arrest you for evading arrest. It’s funny how many cops don’t know the law.

I had some ass fuck tell me that he could ticket me for not turning right on red. I just laughed.

If an unmarked car tried pulling me over, I’m calling 911. They will be able to tell me if it is a real cop, if not they can send a real one to arrest the fucker thats pretending to be.

This is interesting, I’m looking at moving to the Charlotte region, I was almost concerned until I remembered I drive like I have a vagina on the road. Laws vary from state to state, I don’t believe you have to pull over for an unmarked car in NY who’s to say the same law exists in NC.

Some of you have a very odd view on breaking laws. If your convicted of street racing in many states they have the right to take your car, yet another reason I don’t understand why so many of you are all about proving yourself on the streets and talking about it on a public forum. This none sense about a cop not being able to arrest you or ticket you is just mind blowing, unfortunately cops do have the power to do this, in particular if your acting suspicious, i.e. acting like an asshole, and you fit the description of someone wanted in that area they absolutely can arrest you. A cop can write you a ticket for wearing a green shirt on Tuesday, you’ll never be convicted of such a dumb crime, but if you act like a jack ass and get in the cops face accidentally touch him in your rage, you can bet your ass your going to be arrested and probably going to jail now. It seldom, if ever, makes sense to argue with a cop in the field your only digging yourself into a position that’s harder to get out of. I’m not saying its right, but be belligerent will only make your situation more difficult. Let the cop write you a BS ticket and defend yourself in the proper venue.

That’s a smart idea :nod

Wait. Define take my car? They are impounding it or taking my goods away? It’s a cold day in hell where I let any crooked ass cop steal my car from me.

Timmy just said what I’ve been telling people for years. A cop can write you a ticket for being white if he wanted, it’s up to you to go to court and get it thrown out. They can do anything and then it’s your problem fighting the unfairness.

In SoCal if caught street racing, they take your car and crush it if they so desire.

In some states they have the right to if your convicted of street racing, legislation passed in California that they crush your car upon conviction. I’m sure you can appeal the ruling, but that starts to get expensive, in court litigation for a case like this would probably cost more then most of the cars that are impounded/taken cost. Fines for automotive related crimes in Maryland are foolishly expensive. It really varies from state to state, and its an area of law that most good lawyers don’t know that well.

they only crush it if the vins dont match and you cant prove you purchased the parts


More proof that Cali is shit.

Sounds retarded.

F- Cali, the weather and woman don’t make up for all the short comings.

It is indeed retarded, I often wonder how things like this can vary so much from state to state. Then I hear horror stories from abroad, like the Finnish man who was fined $1m USD for a DWI, apparently they base the fine on your net worth.

i bet he isnt gonna get hammered then drive around anymore tho :nono

and theyre goin to blame it on the person running away. same as with that cop trying to catch a BIKE in one of those giant suburban suv things :nono :nono :nono

EXACTLY!, always not the cops fault.

theres no way im pulling over for an unmarked car. theyre goin to have to chase me down with a real cruiser if they want me to stop. i dont care if they flash a badge at me, i can go buy a toy plastic shiny one and if i flash it at a person thru a window in traffic its going to look real enough.

If you don’t pull over and it is a real cop you will be charged with eluding, in addition to whatever they were initially pulling you over for. It takes a basic civil fine and makes it a criminal case with up to 6 months in jail. The best thing to do if your being pulled over by an unmarked car is to drive the speed limit with your hazards on to a brightly light and busy location, call 911 while you do this to verify it is a cop and tell them where you are heading and why, if its not a cop they will certainly send one, if it is a cop they will verify and probably still dispatch a marked cruiser. This way it doesn’t look like your running, the worse thing you can do is speed away and try to lose them, you will be charged and probably convicted.