i dunno who was out that night that one of the guys from synapse (i think) got pulled over in his red civic on the northway, all i remember is this doge stratus come flying by me and pulling him over, he pulled over and the guy was nice, he just said to stop speeding, but out of a camaro, a mustang gt, a cobra and i forget who else was there, he pulls over the civic, i thought it was funny.
i dont think cops should be able to pull you over in an unmarked car. it should be clearly displayed all over the car that its a cop and not some random person
i stopped for an unmarked impala, and got screwed. thats not happening again.
i ran from an unmarked Avalanche :rofl…it was an easy getaway to say the least :haha
This is not correct. You have every right to drive to the nearest police station. IMHO, you should put on hazards and call 911 to tell someone what you are doing.
Yeah, afaik you do not have to stop for an unmarked car…and can either call 911 to ask or drive to the nearest police station.
No, you do not no should you, IMHO. Who the hell knows who is out there these days?
And that’s exactly what i would say to the cop once i got to the station…or confirmed it was a cop, is “how do i know you weren’t some sick fuck trying to jack my car or something?”
Then, when you get there.
“Yes, I’d like to see the gun please to confirm your speed. Mistakes happen and I’d rather not be the mistake given the amount of time and money it will cost me.”
Oh, the fun I’d have with that in court.
… i think thats bullshit that they can take your car if your “street racing”…i know in some states like in North Carolina they can impound your car on the spot if you “get caught” racing… but i dont think they have that law in NY… Do they? idk what state was that anyway?
They can’t do that in NY.
yeah i figured that they couldnt but wasnt sure
Your right, in NY you should not pull over for an unmarked car, they should know better then to even try. The point I was trying to make is that in other states that’s not how it works, I should have been more clear. Off the top of my head I don’t know which states have which laws, even I am not that bored. If you don’t pull over for a cop in a state where they legally can pull you over in an unmarked car, you may experience some difficulties.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say you have exceeded the speed limit at some point in your life, we all have and most of the time we don’t get caught. Why is it that you in particular always seem to think your above the law because your wife/fiance/gf is an attorney? You seem to have the same attitude towards cops that you loath cops giving to you. Why be a dickhead to someone you don’t just because they caught you breaking a law?
I spend more in legal fees a year then most people on this forum make, and it would be no problem to have a ticket squashed, but its a favor I’d rather not ask for just to satisfy my own ego. I speed from time to time, though never anything foolishly high and if I get a ticket once every thousand times I do it, I can live with that, chances are high I can get it reduced to a non-moving violation on the spot or in court by being a human being and not being a douche bag.
Who said I was above the law? I do have a better chance because of this. I fail to see the point?
Asking to the see the gun and making attempts to evade an expensive ticket is being a ‘dickhead’? I fail to see how I was a ‘dickhead’ in any way.
Please explain.
Its hard to read into your e-personality, maybe I’m misinterpreting your posts, but whenever cops are mentioned you come off with a “holier then thou” attitude. The point to the last part of my post was that just because you have an attorney in your pocket doesn’t mean anything at the end of the day.
Reading a number of your posts on this forum you seem like a down to earth and friendly guy, some of your statements on this thread, and on other police related threads make you come off with an air of supremacy and I suppose I just don’t understand it.
I won’t lie: I am simply not a fan of cops. I dislike anybody that serves the purpose of taking the money of hardworking middle class. If we lived in a land of Utopia where bigger crimes didn’t exist, then I can understand catching speeders a bit more. But, we do not.
Having an attorney in my pocket does mean something. If not, go tell Clemens he is wasting his money. Again, I am not sure how that makes me above the law? I am just like everyone else except I got free representation. That doesn’t make me special. I would say/act/talk the same with or without her.
Not supremacy at all. I am at the mercy of the law like everyone else, I just dislike the police for many reasons. I am sorry you took it that way or sorry I came off that way.
I think you are connecting me having representation with my disapproval with the police and assuming its connected. It is not. I hated them before the fact. To be fair, I shouldn’t lump them all together (Why not, they do?). The people that serve a higher purpose other than ticketing the middle class with bullshit and who do their job honestly, fairly, and with respect, I got nothing but love/respect.
Gotcha, fortunately in America we can more or less say and do what we want, if our approach to the same situation is not the same, its certainly not a crime.
Explain this more.