Poor People = Suck <<< Wicked

^ I think you and I are on the same page but something tells me you won’t get flamed for it.

^ to BuickGN. lol

no im fucking around, you on the other hand are taking it too far.

I think that black people are the first to bring up the race card.

Call Johnny Cochran!!! The man is oppressin my rights!!!

johnny is dead, now if al sharpton and jessie j. would follow him that would make this world alot better.

Yes they will call you cracker and white boy all day long. But if you even think the “N word” you are fired. No excuses, no union representation.

Oh. You’re a white male union employee…

That pretty much explains it.

You never gave me shit :-p


God how i have missed nyspeed racial debates. let me help out

I Adam Frank hereby apologize for all the ignorant and dumb comments made by the less fortunate of my race at your play. I also would like to apologize for any white boy or cracker comments you all may have heard EVAR it was insensitive on my peoples part and i humbly request your forgivness. Furthermore i would like to allow each and everyone of you to call me a nigger just ONCE so you can say a black guy let you call him that and maybe the playing field can be leveled a bit.

I hope my actions here can brighten your day and allow you to get that 400 lbs gorilla off your back(no pun intended)

I like PureXTC for being self-aware and honest. It’s better than “I’m not a racist, but them darkies just don’t like to work. It’s not their fault, they’re just not bred well.”

:lol: to AFrank. Way to make a great comeback after not seeing you on here in so long.


I didn’t know you were still around!


Oh please get off your high horse

I love this thread!

and some thread is made from cotton… oooo the irony

X2 LOL!!



Chocolate Rain
Some stay dry and others feel the pain
Chocolate Rain
A baby born will die before the sin

Chocolate Rain
The school books say it can’t be here again
Chocolate Rain
The prisons make you wonder where it went

Chocolate Rain
Build a tent and say the world is dry
Chocolate Rain
Zoom the camera out and see the lie

Chocolate Rain
Forecast to be falling yesterday
Chocolate Rain
Only in the past is what they say

Chocolate Rain
Raised your neighborhood insurance rates
Chocolate Rain
Makes us happy 'livin in a gate

Chocolate Rain
Made me cross the street the other day
Chocolate Rain
Made you turn your head the other way

Chocolate Rain
History quickly crashing through your veins
Chocolate Rain
Using you to fall back down again

Chocolate Rain
Seldom mentioned on the radio
Chocolate Rain
Its the fear your leaders call control

Chocolate Rain
Worse than swearing worse than calling names
Chocolate Rain
Say it publicly and you’re insane

Chocolate Rain
No one wants to hear about it now
Chocolate Rain
Wish real hard it goes away somehow

Chocolate Rain
Makes the best of friends begin to fight
Chocolate Rain
But did they know each other in the light?

Chocolate Rain
Every February washed away
Chocolate Rain
Stays behind as colors celebrate

Chocolate Rain
The same crime has a higher price to pay
chocolate Rain
The judge and jury swear it’s not the face


Chocolate Rain
Dirty secrets of economy
Chocolate Rain
Turns that body into GDP

Chocolate Rain
The bell curve blames the baby’s DNA
Chocolate Rain
But test scores are how much the parents make

Chocolate Rain
'Flippin cars in France the other night
Chocolate Rain
Cleans the sewers out beneath Mumbai

Chocolate Rain
'Cross the world and back its all the same
Chocolate Rain
Angels cry and shake their heads in shame

Chocolate Rain
Lifts the ark of paradise in sin
Chocolate Rain
Which part do you think you’re 'livin in?

Chocolate Rain
More than 'marchin more than passing law
Chocolate Rain
Remake how we got to where we are