Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

the black M5

Dj’s ballin out of control down there.

Yes! I was drivinh back from six flags with the gf last weekend down in Jersey on a really busy road similar to central ave only with 4 lanes in each direction, when out of nowhere a jackalope in a mid 90s mustang GT pulls up next to me with 3 passengers in his car. He starts giving me the stink eye and doing the speed up slow down thing, I paid him no attention. Then he gets right next to me and paces me and gives 3 honks and floors it for about 100 feet before he’s blocked by traffic. I just kept my speed and didn’t do anything. Then he slows back down paces me again, while him and his front seat passenger flip me off and proceed to floor it while weaving in and out of heavy traffic like a maniac.

Then a little later in the trip a car full of gotti boys in a Mazda 3 wagon were driving in front of me when the passenger just hurls a glass bottle out the window luckily this time the road was uncrowded enough that I could make a quick lane change to avoid a bottle to the hood.

Seriously fuck New Jersey. If it weren’t for the amazing rides at six flags I’d personally start a fence in NJ campaign.

Yet another deal I couldnt pass up. Now I can rebuild the other pump, and sell it or build another compressor and sell that unit.

This one is an IR Type 30, 2 stage! Its a $900 compressor pump from northern tool. Man I am finding some srs deals lately.

Wow. Needs to be like “Escape from LA” just make an island out of it, and put the convicts there.

I hate you.

The good news is, if you do blow it the fuck up, Wayne knows his shit.

Just bustin your bawls man. its all good. Wayne was telling me about the motor, looks like you did a number on it for sure. From the sounds of it now, you are in the right direction and should have a sweet setup now. Have fun with it man.

thought you picked up an IS-series?!

Was going to get an IS series, but a friend at the bmw dealer talked me out of a lexus, and the finance rate for a certified preowned bmw made things alot better.

I didnt actually get the m5 pictured above because of the stories i heard about the previous owner of it. I was about 20 minutes from getting it though.

I ended up getting an 08 335i instead.

255/50/16 x2

I’ll find the pic of the hole blasted in it. I mean fucking BLASTED lol. And yeah it runs phenominally now, better than ever.

Yakima rack system

^ ahhhh it finally 'sploded?it lasted pretty long, it was what 3 weeks ago when i looked at the car?

I know right. I was surprised how long it lasted, so I wrapped it in heatwrap and re wrapped the downpipe. shits solid now


I got some Cinnamon Life as well, but I opened this first. Damn this shit is good.
I just realized I left my sweaty food powder and ash resistor on my driving desk :lol:

ra tard


Works shall be done on the scoob soon