Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

It’s pink. Has to be better.

It’s not just you. I’m the same way. OE or bust.

So is Pam andersons cunt… :wtf:shifty

I’d say that S4 has been blown up or some other issue before.

That’s where I’m headed with the whole thing. Something to keep those miles so low AND the coolant has been changed. That or an accident.

i got another set of white anons that have been “dipped in gold” lol, set of pink smiths with a blue polarized lens, set of tj shiller pro model dragons, old school blue spys and a set of clear smiths i never use

my next pick up will be a set of oakleys crossbars

audi could have ate the turbo,s and they replaced . as ya know that requires droppin motor when all that shit is stock

Haha yeah it does a little, my brother sent me a picture of this, i went down with him to look at it, im pretty impressed on how well the outside and inside is, i couldnt find anything visible(scratches, dents, tears)


least it is “unique”

Toyota Red FTW

Unless it’s a power steering line right!??!?! :banghead:banghead:banghead

Because it will gum up in a heart beat. The G12 is not compatible at all with regular coolant.

My buddy bought some high mileage 1.8T passat, like 170K for dirt cheap. it broke a tbelt and I was the lucky one to have to replace it and put a new head on it. done even ask why. anyways, I went to flush the coolant and it was this greenish slime that came out. All the ports in the head were mostly clogged, everything coolant related you touched was slimy. Unless it popped a HG prior to him owning it and they never flushed it correctly, and then put the wrong shit in… there was def. G12 + Prestone in there and it wasn’t pretty!

Yep, I sip Toyota red.

Yea, unless it’s that. Vlad Autozone joints FTW.

Oh, and B5 S4 interior makes my pants tight. Too bad they’re temperamental.

Moar pics!

My recent joints

It’s a f’n PS line, no need to pay triple premium, especially when that car will rarely see miles on the street, much less turns :tongue

Eggzactly my Russian comrade.

Vlad, we’re due for Black opz. X2 (knock sensors) for tooning.

oh snap