Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

I finally found a Carbon Bronze/Black 07 6mt last month, but it was in Georgia, and had a huge dent/cracked paint/rust between the front and rear doors, and 70k for $22k. They did offer me $14 for mine, but the search continues! Such a sweet car.

damn thats a low ball offer :lol

$14k for an 8 year old car is low?

he didnt write $14k. he wrote $14.

:rofl Yeah $14 whole dollars. Depreciation is a bitch.

I’ll be lucky to get 2 dollars for my car when I sell it. Granted it’ll prolly be at least a year and a half from now and will have about 200k on it lol.

i get 30mpg out of my 05

Strong PJB.

I do what I can. I just imagine a 2 door with a kid will get old after a while lol. I want to pick up a WRX wagon and leave it stock because it would be a fun daddy car, but at the same time I don’t want to give up 35mpg either.

totally normal for a honda. They don’t make no power so they gotta rev. could you imagine attempting a pass at 80mph at 1200rpm in that thing. lol might as well bring a pillow.

Anyway glad you like it, its a different world from BMW. I hope you keep it long enough to enjoy the lack of repairs.

80 puts me at like 3.5k in fifth lol

At 80, I’m bout 3k in 6th in the M3.

Latest purchase:

Accuracy International 1.5 chassis system for my Remington 700.

Same here in my 330, still get >30mpg so no big deal :lol

80mph puts me at about 1800 RPM in 6th.

Shit my fit at 80 was close to 4k any faster and the hamster under the hood held out a sign that said “Eff you! I quit!”

While we’re at it, I’m at like 2600-2700 @ 80mph, redline is ~4400-4500. Although I travel at 65-70 most of the time at ~2200 and average 50MPG, do ~60mi/day round trip to work, fill up usually twice a month. Fuck your little corn popping, no torque making, gasser 4cyl :slight_smile:

No jk, I <3 Honders. I’ll own one again soon.

I used to get 50mpg when my Civic still had the 8v 1.5L Cx gutless, drop 2nd at 60mph super tall gearing special

Lean burn ftw

redline on your car is 5200rpm numbnuts. any less and it needs a MAF.

Well I’ve never even revved it higher than like 3500 and never plan to :rofl just hit 201k miles.