Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

Ill give you $750.

rats nest

3 of these
1 of these
and 2 of these
Also ordered a roll of 6’x25’ 20oz marine carpet

Don’t hate on chihuahuas, best dogs ever.


I am replacing my boat seats too lol. Previous owner put some cheapy Lowe seats in it that have seen their day. Gonna upgrade.

That isn’t a dog sir that’s a dog snack…

You’re a dog snack.


theres a snack.

There is no Steve, only zool.

Ghostbuters reference gets a +Rep

My dog returns fire:

i raise you both

Notice Steves dick is the size of his arm? Packin heat.

Miss my Mickey. Old pic, hes ready to fire!

Nice. Elephantitis on a dog…

someone’s jealous…

Dave’s pit Jaws could swallow the little guy whole but hasnt.

jaws is the most well tempered pitbull I have ever seen in my life, he WILL NOT bite you no matter what you/another dog does to him… the ONLY way to get jaws to attack is to point a real/fake gun at him… like 3 years ago 6 black dudes with guns kicked my door down and tried to rob me and they hit him over the head with a gun and knocked him out… guess he remembers or something bc he fliiiiipppppsssss

He was very friendly with me. Jumping all over me just being friendly.

Dogs do remember shit like that. My last dog got sprayed by a hose at a kennel we boarded her at and after that she was afraid of hoses.

My current dog always barks at black people when he sees them. I think its probably because he never saw one before since he was from the country.

why does bad shit always happen to you?