Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

wow huge pic

oh well

Now that’s legit.


You gotta let me drive it.

today a 10 ounce bar is $237

yes, it will weigh less when done, but will be PURE.

Of course Pistol :number1

I wish emojis worked on here. Instead of going thru the site smileys

r u fucking serious!?!?!?!?

A bit more than my current disposable income right now, atleast what I consider disposable after saving a bit.

Ive been paying 3-4 times the payment on my truck loan and should have it paid off in two months.

You don’t have to buy by the bar. You can invest as much or as little as you want.

word, they make 1 ounce bars which is only $23.9 right now, i just wont be making them lol… way too much work to do 100 of em lol…


Srs as a heart attack. Be ready for some big ole’ burnouts.

dave, when you get setup i will get on a bi-weekly plan with you. I’s be better off than putting money into my savings


Way better than putting in a savings acct. Tried explaining to a few cholos on here months back when me n Dave have been buying every week. Not even to mention the silver charms everyone was laughing at, I’ve only made like 5 times my money as of now. Only reason why I bought them was to prove how much could be made.

if you have made $17,500 off those charms i’d love to see the proof (iirc they were 3500 a bag)

btw your buddy was suppose to give me an estimate yesterday but never stopped by

If I bought the full bag, I would’ve made much more than that. Would take long as hell to sell but way more money than that. I purchased a good amount and started a eBay account. Ill pm u my name on eBay.

God, I love

I bought a windshield and come carbon fiber.

Hey that looks pretty good, Corey.

Thanks for accepting my friend request on facebook too. Remind me to smash into your car without warning or provocation.